Bookworm's Fanfic, Continued

More of my fanfic! (Once again, it's a little long.)
“Look! That’s me!” Colette pointed at the cover of the Tales of Symphonia game. She didn’t seem very bothered by the loss of the Sorcerer’s Ring.
“Yeah, I’m there too,” Lloyd grinned and pointed at the picture of himself.
“What’s wrong with this thing? It has Zelos on the cover, but not me!” Genis complained. He reached for his kendama. Lloyd held out a hand to stop him.
“Don’t destroy it. It’s not ours. Let’s just find the Sorcerer’s Ring and get back to Derris-Kharlan. I bet Kratos and the Professor are worried about us,” Lloyd said. He, Genis, and Colette walked out of the video game store. After getting lost several times, they finally stood outside the arcade. They all agreed this was where they had first arrived, but the Sorcerer’s Ring was nowhere to be found.
“Wow! What’s in there?” Colette exclaimed as she walked into the arcade. Lloyd followed her eagerly.
“No! We have to look for the Sorcerer’s Ring and get back to Derris-Kharlan!” Genis shouted as he ran after them.
“We can look for it later,” Lloyd shrugged. “Right now, I want to try this game!” He pointed at the DDR machine.
Meanwhile, in Derris-Kharlan…
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Kratos demanded, furious that Bookworm, Shade, and Keyblade dared to be in Derris-Kharlan without his permission.
“Hi! I’m Bookworm. This is Shade and this is Keyblade Alchemist. We were going to do some DDR, but I’m not sure what happened. This doesn’t look like the mall,” Bookworm said, glancing around the room.
“What is this ‘DDR’?” Kratos asked suspiciously.
“DDR is the best arcade game ever!” Keyblade Alchemist explained enthusiastically. “You have to step on the arrows when they appear on the screen. It’s really fun! And it has great music!”
“Yeah, like the Waka Laka song!” Bookworm added.
Kratos did not understand a word of this. Fortunately, he was spared the trouble of answering because the rest of his friends finally joined him.
“Is this DDR some kind of new advance in magitechnology?” Raine asked excitedly.
“Hey! When did so many girls get here?” Zelos asked even more excitedly.
“Leave them alone, you stupid pervert,” Sheena said, elbowing Zelos.
“Where are Genis, Colette, and Lloyd?” Presea asked.
“They are probably far ahead of us by now. Lloyd usually does go ahead like this,” Regal answered.
“Be quiet everyone!” Kratos shouted. “These people have been caught trespassing on Derris-Kharlan. Before you all started yelling, I was trying to interrogate them.” He glared at everyone, making them instantly shut up.
“We’re in Derris-Kharlan? Like in Tales of Symphonia?” Shade asked.
“Yes, this is Derris-Kharlan. Outside is Symphonia,” Kratos said.
“So, we’re in a video game?” Bookworm asked, incredibly confused.
“That girl has Lloyd’s Sorcerer’s Ring,” Presea observed.
“What?! How did you get that? What happened to Lloyd?” Kratos demanded furiously as he reached for his sword.
^_^ if anything, the fanfic's still too short! More! I shall have valor get off his hammock in hawaii(vacation time) for this.
Fine, I'll do even longer posts from now on. And if Valor doesn't get back from Hawaii very soon, Cie will have to put a curse on him. (In other words, get writing! lol)
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