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“What do these do?” Keyblade asked, pointing at the function-changing devices. Kratos hesitated, confused. Usually, people paid attention when he yelled angrily and reached for his sword. Keyblade grabbed the Sorcerer’s Ring from Bookworm and held it near one of the devices. There was a bright light, indicating another change of function. “Let’s see what it does now!” Before anyone could protest, there was an even brighter flash of light and Keyblade, Bookworm, and Shade had all vanished to another world.
“Now what do we do?” Regal asked.
“We have to save Lloyd! And Genis and Colette!” Kratos said.
“We would need to use a Sorcerer’s Ring to do that,” Presea commented.
“Or we could use the Mage’s Ring,” Zelos muttered.
“WHAT?” Everyone demanded.
“Oh, you don’t know? I’ll tell you if my hunnies give me kisses!” Zelos announced excitedly.
“Don’t you want to save Colette? Isn’t she one of your ‘hunnies’?” Raine asked.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Zelos was extremely disappointed. “The Mage’s Ring is in the Martel Temple near Meltokio. It’s the Sorcerer’s Ring’s twin.”
“Of course!” Raine had the look she usually had when she spotted an ancient ruin. “With two Chosens, there would be two magic rings! The Sorcerer’s Ring was enshrined near Colette’s home in Iselia, so the Mage’s Ring would be near Zelos’s home in Meltokio. Let’s hurry! I can’t wait to examine the ring!”
Meanwhile, in the mall, Lloyd and Colette were discovering the delights of DDR.
“Look! I can do Light level already!” Colette smiled.
“No fair! You’re using your wings to float above the arrows!” Lloyd complained.
“You have wings too,” Colette pointed out.
“I’m not sure if my wingspan will fit here… I guess I’ll try,” Lloyd said, spreading his huge angel wings. One of the wings bumped klutzy Colette, causing her to fall against the DDR machine. A few explosions later, Genis was trying to explain Symphonia to the mall’s security guards. Apparently, most shoppers are not used to seeing two angels blowing up an arcade game, so Lloyd and Colette were able to sneak out amid the chaos.
As Colette put her wings away, she tripped again, bumping into someone standing nearby. “Oh! I’m sorry!”
“That’s okay,” the person said. He had been planning on meeting some friends at the DDR machine, but was three hours late already. He did not realize his friends were currently lost in an unknown world. “Hey! You look like the people from Tales of Symphonia!”
“Yes, we’re from Symphonia. My name is Colette and this is Lloyd. What’s your name?” said friendly Colette.
“I’m Mithos,” he said.
“AAAAAHH! It’s Mithos Yggdrasil! He’s still alive!” Lloyd screamed, reaching for his twin swords.
Hahahaha!! *rolls around laughing* poor poor zelos and kratos... and mithos is in trouble too. (does this mean he gets yggdrasil's powers?)
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