Fanfic Again

As Lloyd raised his swords to attack Mithos, he was hit in the head by a kendama flying through the air. “Ouch! What was that?” Lloyd yelled.
“I think Genis is mad at you, Lloyd,” Colette pointed towards the arcade.
“Lloyd! You idiot!” Genis yelled, snatching his kendama from Lloyd. “What do you think you’re doing? We’re in enough trouble already without you attacking innocent bystanders!”
“But he’s not an innocent bystander! He’s Mithos Yggdrasil!” Lloyd complained, rubbing his aching head.
Genis glared at him. “Don’t you think I would recognize him if he was Yggdrasil? We used to be friends, remember?” Genis hit him with the kendama again, just to make sure he understood.
Mithos had just recovered from the shock of nearly being attacked by a video game character. He finally noticed the bag Lloyd was carrying. “Hey! What are you doing with Bookworm’s bag?”
“Who? I just found this bag near the DDR machine. It had a lot of tokens in it,” Lloyd explained.
“Bookworm is one of my friends. I was meeting her, Shade, and Keyblade here to play DDR. She’s gonna be really mad that you stole her bag,” Mithos said.
“Oh… Sorry. Do you think she’ll notice that all the tokens are gone? The DDR machine doesn’t accept Gald and Colette really wanted to play,” Lloyd said guiltily.
“She’ll probably notice that you used all her tokens, but it doesn’t really matter,” Genis said, “not since someone broke the DDR machine!”
“What? How did that happen?” Mithos asked.
“Umm, I tripped and fell on the DDR machine,” Colette explained. “And then there was a little explosion. And Lloyd got worried about me, so he started hitting the machine with his swords and then there were even more explosions. Then we decided it was time to leave.”
“Hey! I just had an idea!” Lloyd announced.
“Wow! That’s the first time that’s happened,” Genis muttered.
Ignoring Genis, Lloyd said, “My Sorcerer’s Ring disappeared and his friends left all their DDR tokens here. What if they took the Sorcerer’s Ring and went back to Derris-Kharlan?”
“What!?! They went to Derris-Kharlan without me! I feel so left out!” Mithos whined. However, he did not feel left out for much longer because suddenly Kratos, Raine, Zelos, Sheena, Regal, and Presea appeared.
“Can I examine the Mage’s Ring now? Please? PLEASE?” Raine begged, trying to snatch the magic ring from Kratos.
“Lloyd! Are you all right, son?” Kratos asked, holding the ring out of Raine’s reach.
“Yeah, but Mithos’s friends took my Sorcerer’s Ring,” Lloyd said.
“Mithos!?! He’s still alive?” Kratos said, looking as if he expected to be attacked at any moment.
Colette shook her head. “Not that Mithos! It’s a different Mithos. I didn’t know it was such a common name.”
“We should go back to Derris-Kharlan and then try to find the Sorcerer’s Ring,” Presea said calmly.
“Yes, and maybe we should bring Mithos with us. He could help us find his friends,” Regal suggested.
“All right, let’s go,” Kratos agreed. He dodged an attack from Raine’s staff and activated the Mage’s Ring, sending them all back to Derris-Kharlan.
Meanwhile, Keyblade was excitedly looking at the new world she had found.
“Why did you have to do that, Keyblade? Now how are we going to get back home?” Shade asked.
“I don’t want to go home yet. I want to explore,” Keyblade said.
“If we can’t get home, we may never see another DDR machine, anime, or book ever again,” Shade said. She and Keyblade both stopped arguing when they heard a soft thump behind them. Bookworm had fainted at the mention of never seeing another book.
“Hey! Who are you?” someone yelled at them. Shade and Keyblade turned to see two people running towards them. One was a large suit of armor. The other was a short boy. He was the one yelling. “What are you doing here? No civilians are allowed in Central HQ!”
“Calm down, Big Brother,” the armor said.
“Hey! I know you two! You’re Ed and Al from Fullmetal Alchemist!” Keyblade said excitedly.
“Yeah, I’m Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist. And this is Alphonse Elric. You still haven’t answered me. What do you want here?” Ed said impatiently.
“Teach me alchemy! Please! Please! PLEASE!” Keyblade said, jumping up and down in excitement.
“No way! We’re way too busy to have an apprentice!” Ed said.
“PLEASE! I really want to learn alchemy! I’ll be a good student! Please teach me!” Keyblade made a face like a sad puppy.
“Ed, maybe we should try having an apprentice,” Al suggested.
“Oh yeah? Give me one good reason,” Ed said.
“She’s not shorter than you. You two look about the same height,” Al pointed out.
“Yes! I told you I’m not short!” Ed cheered.
“So, will you teach me?” Keyblade asked hopefully.
Ed thought for a moment. “Hey Al, do you think we have to abandon her on a deserted island before training her?”
Al shook his head. “No, there might be more homunculi on the island. Let’s just teach her.”
“Okay,” Ed said, turning to Keyblade Alchemist, “then you are now our apprentice.”
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