Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sorting Hat

Eventually, Snape did manage to get everyone to stop killing each other and listen to him. Now Bookworm, Keyblade, Shade, Colette, Lloyd, Genis, Ed, Tas, and Filch all watched as Snape opened the secret door to the Headmaster’s office. (Hagrid stayed with Fluffy and Mrs. Norris decided to continue to roam the school in search of troublemakers.) They followed him into Dumbledore’s office.
“Hello Severus,” Dumbledore said as they entered. “What is going on?”
“I just caught these children fighting in the forbidden corridor on the third floor. They claim they are not students,” Snape said dubiously.
“Really?” Dumbledore frowned and turned to the group of children. “Then who are you? And why were you in that corridor?”
“My name’s Shade,” she introduced herself. “These are my friends: Keyblade, Bookworm, Lloyd, Colette, Genis, Edward, Alphonse, and Tas… Tas! No! Put that down!” Tas moved away from Dumbledore’s pensieve, trying to look innocent.
Bookworm took over the explanation while Shade yelled at Tas. “We missed the train at the beginning of the term, so it took us a while to get here. When we finally arrived, we got lost and had to ask for directions. Someone named Peeves told us the Headmaster’s office was in the third-floor corridor.”
“I KNEW IT! I knew it had to be Peeves’s fault! I’ll get him this time!” Filch ran out of Dumbledore’s office in search of Peeves.
“We didn’t know that corridor was forbidden. We’re really sorry,” Keyblade said.
“Can we still enroll at Hogwarts?” Shade asked hopefully.
Dumbledore considered what they had said. Something didn’t seem quite right… He decided he would just have to keep a close eye on this odd group of new students. He picked up the Sorting Hat and handed it to Lloyd.
“HUFFLEPUFF!” the hat yelled after a moment. Colette had the next turn and was also sorted into Hufflepuff. Then Genis, Ed, and Al were sent to Ravenclaw.
Tas put on the Sorting Hat. “Wow! This hat’s talking to me! This is amazing! I’ve never met a talking hat before! I wonder if Flint will believe me when I tell him about it?”
“Shut up! You’re in Gryffindor!” the hat snapped at the chatty kender.
Keyblade excitedly took the hat from Tas, who had tried unsuccessfully to sneak it into one of his pouches. “Hmmm… GRYFFINDOR!” the hat shouted.
“My turn!” Shade snatched the Sorting Hat from Keyblade. The Hat paused to think for a moment, then yelled, “SLYTHERIN!”
“Haha! You’re in Slytherin! You’re evil, Shade!” Bookworm laughed.
“So? I asked the hat to send me here. Slytherin is great!” Shade said, not at all bothered that she was in the most notorious house in Hogwarts.
“My turn now!” Bookworm said, jumping up and down in excitement. She tried on the hat and mentally argued with it for a few moments. Finally, it announced, “GRYFFINDOR!”
“YES!!! I’m in the same house as Harry, Ron, and Hermione! Come on, Keyblade! Let’s go find the Common Room!” Bookworm was so happy, she forgot she was angry at Keyblade.
“Hey Bookworm! Don’t forget Tas is in Gryffindor too! Have fun babysitting the kender!” Shade said with evil grin. But by this time, Bookworm had already run out of Dumbledore’s office, leaving both Keyblade and Tas behind.
Dumbledore stared after her. “How does she expect to enter the Common Room? She didn’t stay long enough to get the password.”
“Don’t worry. She’ll probably stop at the library first anyway. I’ll find her and tell her the password,” Keyblade said.
Dumbledore told everyone their passwords and directions to their Common Rooms. They left his office and headed for the Common Rooms. Keyblade and Tas stopped in the library first. Bookworm already had a pile of books and was trying to figure out how many she could carry back to the Common Room without collapsing from the weight. Finally, she decided to just take the risk and bring them all. On the way out of the library, a few books flew out of Tas’s pouch and starting pounding him on the head. He thought this was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him, but Bookworm and Keyblade managed to stop him before he could steal more library books. They walked to the portrait of the Fat Lady, told her the password, and entered the Gryffindor Common Room.


Blogger Bookworm said...

Yay! I posted the fanfic two days in a row! *does victory dance* lol ...I think I'll write about Mithos and the killer rabbit next, then continue our adventures in Hogwarts.

3:35 PM  

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