Fanfic Again!

“Lord Sesshomaru! Why did those people appear out of nowhere?” a little girl asked.
“They look human, but wear such strange clothes,” a green impish creature said.
“Hmm… They remind me of that human girl my brother is in love with. Who are you and what are you doing here?” Sesshomaru asked the Symphonians.
“Give me you name and I shall give you mine,” Raine said, stealing Lloyd’s favorite line.
“My name’s Rin and this is Lord Sesshomaru and Master Jaken,” said the little girl. “Who are you?”
“I’m Zelos Wilder, the Chosen One of Tethe’alla,” Zelos said. “You’re pretty, Rin, but a bit too young… Don’t worry! In another fifteen years, destiny will bring us together again, hunny!”
Rin stared at him in confusion. “What’s he talking about?” she asked Sesshomaru.
“Leave her alone!” Sesshomaru was getting very angry. “I don’t know who you are, but if you value your lives, you should not bother us!”
“What!?! Don’t threaten me!” Kratos yelled, grabbing his sword.
“Foolish human! You cannot defeat me!” Sesshomaru said, unsheathing his sword too.
Meanwhile, Bookworm, Keyblade, and the rest of their friends were standing outside the Shoikan Grove, yelling at the Tower of High Sorcery. “SHADE! Get out here right now! Give us the Sorcerer’s Ring! We need to save the DDR machine!” they shouted.
“What’s the matter now?” Shade asked, appearing suddenly behind them.
“AAAAAAAHHH!!!” they all screamed, startled by her sudden appearance.
Tas was the first to recover from the surprise. “Hello Shade!” he said. “We were just wondering if you could give us back the Sorcerer’s Ring. We want to play some DDR. I’ve never tried it and it sounds like a very interesting experience. And we need to go soon because Keyblade says she’ll go crazy if she doesn’t get to do DDR soon. I’ve never seen anyone go crazy before. I think it would be very interesting to watch, but Bookworm says DDR is more fun than watching people go crazy. And can I have my Kender Spoon of Turning back? If anymore undead warriors attack Palanthas, I need to be ready… Do you think there are any undead warriors at the mall?”
“Umm… no, there usually aren’t any undead warriors at the mall. Bookworm, Keyblade, I think you’ve both gone crazy already. You want to take a kender to the mall?” Shade said in disbelief.
“Can we just have the Sorcerer’s Ring?” Keyblade asked impatiently.
“No, I told you I’m holding on to the Sorcerer’s Ring from now on. But I’ll come with you to the mall. I’ve already passed my Test, so I don’t really need to stay here,” Shade said, quickly activating the Sorcerer’s Ring before Tas could start talking again. They arrived in Derris-Kharlan. Lloyd watched Tas very carefully. He knew Kratos would not be happy if Tas “borrowed” any of Cruxis’s stuff. Shade selected a function-changing device and activated the ring again. A moment later, everyone stood in front of the remains of the DDR machine.
“I’ll fix it!” Keyblade volunteered. She clapped her hands and fixed the DDR machine with her alchemy.
“Yay!” everyone cheered. For the next few hours, everyone played DDR happily.
Finally, when they were too tired to even move, Shade noticed something was wrong. “Has anyone seen Tas?” she asked.
This question was followed by a horrified silence. Tas had wandered away while they were playing DDR. A kender was loose in the mall!
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