More of the Fanfic

The Palanthians were victorious! The Dragon Highlords had almost won the battle, when suddenly a lot of the undead warriors’ heads got smashed. Although the Knights of Solamnia complained about it being dishonorable, even they had to admit it was much easier to fight an army of undead warriors who kept bumping into each other instead of destroying the city. A group of talented fighters had suddenly appeared in the middle of the battle and were responsible for the sudden victory. For years, the Palanthians would talk about how angels had flown and attacked the enemy from above, how a girl made a key-shaped sword appear out of nowhere, how a boy used his metal arm to break the bones of Soth’s skeletal soldiers, how a young half-elf caused tidal waves to wash away the enemy, and how another girl threw a book at one of the Dragon Highlords. (It was a very heavy book and it knocked the Highlord unconscious, providing the Knights of Solamnia with a valuable prisoner.) There were also rumors that one of the knights kept fighting after his head was knocked off. And someone swore they saw Tasslehoff Burrfoot jump into that knight’s suit of armor and then jump out, screaming that there was an angry cat in there.
Meanwhile, Shade was impatient to take her Test. Dalamar had already passed his. (He was an apprentice first, so he got to take his Test before Shade.) Raistlin was explaining the history of the Portal to his apprentices when he was interrupted by a loud ringing.
“Someone has entered the Shoikan Grove,” Raistlin said. The three mages went to the tower’s entrance to see who was foolish enough to try to enter without a charm. Bookworm and Tasslehoff were excitedly poking the undead guardians with sticks again.
“Fools! They will not live for much longer,” Dalamar said.
Tas heard him and stopped poking the guardian. “Hi Shade! Can I have my Kender Spoon of Turning back? I think I might need it soon… Hey! Stop that! No! I don’t want to go down into the dirt! Stop pulling me! Help!” One of the specters had finally gotten tired of being poked and decided to pull Tas and Bookworm into their graves.
Shade tried to think of a way to help them. In just another moment, Bookworm and Tas would both join the undead guardians in their eternal torment. She remembered a spell that might work and started to recite the necessary words. A magical fireball hit the specter, forcing it to let go of Tas and Bookworm! They both ran away from the Shoikan Grove, headed in the direction of Astinus’s library.
“Congratulations,” Raistlin said. “You have just passed your Test.”
“What?” Shade said in shock.
“That was all an illusion. Your friends never entered the Shoikan Grove. Most likely, they are causing trouble somewhere else,” Raistlin explained. “You have passed your Test and are now an official mage.”
Meanwhile, the Symphonians were having a hard time fighting Lust and Gluttony. No matter how many times he was killed, Gluttony would not die. And no one had even wounded Lust yet. Anytime someone almost hurt her, Zelos stopped them, saying he would protect his hunny no matter what. Finally, Sheena got tired of this. She summoned Volt and had him zap Zelos a few times, which made him shut up.
“This battle will not be a victory. Retreat is the best option,” Presea said.
Kratos agreed and activated the Mage’s Ring to return to Derris-Kharlan.
“Now what should we do?” Mithos asked.
“They did not seem to be in that world. Perhaps we should try someplace else?” Raine suggested.
“Very well,” Kratos agreed. “We will try this world.” He randomly selected a function-changing device and sent them all to another world.
drake world next!!!
I'm not writing about the drake world until you and Keyblade write more of your fanfic. Please write more!
tell that to keyblade, it's her turn!
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