
“Is everyone ready?” Kratos asked. They had returned to Derris-Kharlan and were standing in the room with the function-changing devices. It took a long time, but finally everyone agreed on which device Keyblade had used.
“I’m not ready!” Mithos said. “Everyone else gets a cool weapon, but I don’t have anything to defend myself with!”
“Yeah, you should probably give him something, Kratos. I don’t think we could have survived in that last world without our weapons. It was a scary place,” Lloyd said, remembering the exploding DDR machine.
“Fine,” Kratos said angrily. He was in a bad mood because of the delay. “I’ll go find something for him. Everyone else, stay here… Or on second thought, wait outside this room.” It wasn’t safe to let Raine wait in a room with such fascinating artifacts. Kratos looked all over Derris-Kharlan. All the angels seemed to have taken their weapons with them when they left after Yggdrasil’s defeat. Finally, he found something and returned. “Here, use this,” Kratos said as he handed Mithos a sword, “But be very careful with it. It belonged to an old friend of mine… and more recently, an enemy.”
“Cool! I’ve got a sword!” Mithos said excitedly as he grabbed the sword from Kratos.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to let him use Yggdrasil’s sword?” Lloyd asked, still distrustful of Mithos.
“It was the only weapon I could find in Derris-Kharlan. There is no time to go shopping for a new weapon, so this will just have to work. Now is everyone ready?” Kratos asked. Everyone nodded. He activated the Sorcerer’s Ring and they all left Derris-Kharlan instantly.
Meanwhile, Keyblade had learned a lot about alchemy. Bookworm and Shade were very, very bored. Ed and Al were also bored because they had to go to Central Headquarters, where Lieutenant-colonel Hughes would probably spend hours telling them about his daughter. They told Keyblade to read from an alchemy book while they were gone.
“It’s no fun just watching you learn alchemy, Keyblade. Can’t we go explore somewhere, like maybe a bookstore?” Bookworm complained.
“What are you going to do with your alchemy anyway?” Shade asked.
“I can do lots of cool stuff with alchemy. I’ll show you. Watch this!” Keyblade said, putting down the alchemy book and starting to draw a transmutation circle.
“What are you gonna make?” Bookworm asked.
“I’m gonna make a bunch of DDR tokens!” Keyblade said excitedly.
“No! Stop! It’s dangerous to alchemify gold!” Shade tried to warn Keyblade, but she was too late. Keyblade had already put her hands on the circle and started the transmutation.
Something was wrong. The transmutation wasn’t working. Keyblade was sucked into the Gate! “No!” Shade screamed and threw a rock at the gate. Suddenly, Keyblade fell out of the gate. She was unconscious, but still had all her limbs. The Gate disappeared just as Ed and Al returned. They stared at unconscious Keyblade and the pile of goo that was supposed to be DDR tokens.
“What happened?” Al asked Shade and Bookworm.
“Umm… Keyblade kinda did a little bit of alchemy and—” Bookworm was interrupted by Ed.
“WHAT!?!” he yelled. “We told her not to do any alchemy without us! She was just supposed to study! What was she trying to do?”
“She wanted to make DDR tokens. They’re made of gold. She tried to alchemify gold and failed,” Shade explained. “She got sucked into the Gate and I threw a rock at it…”
“What did the rock look like? Was it small and red?” Al asked.
“Yes, I think so,” Shade replied.
“You threw my Philospher’s Stone into the gate!?!” Ed screamed.
“Calm down, Big Brother. It was an incomplete Philosopher’s Stone. I’m sure we’ll find another. And it looks like that stone just saved Keyblade’s life,” Al said.
Ed was about to yell some more when they were interrupted. Lloyd ran into the room, followed by Genis and Colette. Once again, they had run ahead of Kratos and the rest of their friends. Lloyd looked around and spotted Bookworm. “Hey! You stole my Sorcerer’s Ring!” he yelled, reaching for his swords.
Bookworm noticed that he was carrying her bag. “And you stole my DDR tokens!” She ran over to Lloyd and tried to punch him. He dodged her punch and tried to hit her with one of his swords. Shade, Genis, Colette, Ed, and Al watched Bookworm and Lloyd beating each other up.
“Bookworm doesn’t need to get so angry about the tokens,” Genis said. “She can’t use them. Lloyd and Colette broke the DDR machine.”
“WHAT!?!” Keyblade suddenly regained consciousness and started yelling. “Stop fighting! We need to go to the mall right now!” Keyblade activated the Sorcerer’s Ring and they all returned to Derris-Kharlan.
“Why do we have to go to the mall?” Colette asked curiously.
“I need to fix the DDR machine! I’m going to use alchemy. I don’t even need a transmutation circle now that I’ve seen the Truth inside the Gate,” Keyblade explained.
“That’s not a good thing!” Ed yelled at her. “You shouldn’t have seen inside the Gate and you shouldn’t have tried to transmute gold!”
“I think this is the right device,” Bookworm said. She took the Sorcerer’s Ring from Keyblade, changed its function, and activated it again. They all left Derris-Kharlan, but did not arrive at the mall. Instead of a DDR machine, they found themselves facing an angry blue dragon.
wonderful! absolutely fantabulous! more! *puppy dog eyes and ears* please??? longer in length too! ^_^
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