
“Come on! We can kill this dragon!” Lloyd unsheathed his twin swords and ran towards the dragon. Colette’s wings appeared as she prepared to throw her chakrams. Genis raised his kendama and started to recite a spell.
The dragon stared at them for a moment, then raised its wings, preparing to fly. “These are strange creatures. I must alert the Dragon Highlords to their presence when I report back,” it said as it flew away.
“Why did it just fly away?” Colette asked.
“I think it was just a scout for a larger army. It mentioned Dragon Highlords, which are the commanders of the dragonarmies in Dragonlance. I think we must be in Krynn,” Shade said.
“Yay! We’re in a world with dragons! I don’t wanna go back to the mall for a while!” Bookworm said, looking around for more dragons.
Shade glared at her. “Give me the Sorcerer’s Ring.”
“What?” Bookworm stopped her dragon search.
“You and Keyblade can’t seem to use the ring correctly. You keep sending us to the wrong worlds. I’ll hold on to the ring for a while,” Shade said.
“No, it’s my ring. I had it first,” Bookworm complained.
“No you didn’t! You stole it from me!” Lloyd shouted.
“And you stole my DDR tokens!” Bookworm yelled at him.
“And you broke the DDR machine!” Keyblade added.
“And you tried to transmute gold without permission!” Ed shouted.
Soon everyone was fighting again. They did not notice when someone approached them.
“Hello there! Why are you all fighting?” it asked curiously.
“Oh wow! It’s a kender! Hi! I’m Bookworm!” Bookworm said, stopping her attempts to punch Lloyd.
“What’s a kender?” Genis asked.
“I’m a kender!” the kender announced. “My name is Tasslehoff Burrfoot. You can call me Tas.”
“A kender is a creature from Krynn. It’s very curious and has a bad habit of ‘borrowing’ things that don’t belong to it,” Shade explained.
Ed instantly held tightly to his state alchemist watch. Colette held her key crest necklace. Shade tightened her hold on the Sorcerer’s Ring, which she had succeeded in taking from Bookworm. Bookworm reached for her DDR tokens, then remembered they had already been stolen.
“Where are you going?” Tas asked. “Not many people travel here. They say the land around Sanction is dangerous with so many dragons and draconians around. I think they’re very interesting creatures. Did you know I fought some of them and—”
“We’re going to one of the Towers of High Sorcery,” Shade interrupted Tas’s story.
“Why are we going there?” Bookworm asked. “I want to go to Solace or maybe Kendermore.”
“Solace and Kendermore don’t have Towers of High Sorcery. We can either go to Wayreth or Palanthas,” Shade said.
“We are NOT going to the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas! It’s evil!” Bookworm said.
“Actually, it’s quite an interesting place. It’s surrounded by the Shoikan Grove, which is full of undead guardians. It gives me an eerie feeling when I go near it. It’s lots of fun! Hey! I know the way to Palanthas. Can I come with you?” Tas asked.
“See? Tas wants to go to Palanthas too. Let’s go!” Shade said.
“Fine,” Bookworm reluctantly agreed.
Meanwhile, in Sanction, the dragon scout had reported back to the Dragon Highlords. They agreed that these strange people could be trouble for their plans of Krynn-domination.
“There was a large group of them,” the blue dragon said. “The tallest wore armor, like a Knight of Solamnia, but he did not carry a sword. Most of the people seemed harmless, but three tried to attack me. They were a young warrior, a winged girl, and a half-elf magic-user. The half-elf did not wear white, red, or black robes. He must be a rogue mage!”
“A half-elven rogue mage is working with the Knights of Solamnia? This could ruin our plans for the domination of Krynn! Dark Queen Takhisis will not be happy if we fail,” said one of the Highlords.
“Yes, we will have to change our plans. We must attack Palanthas sooner then we originally planned!” said a female Highlord.
After a while, Tas, Shade, Bookworm, Keyblade, Lloyd, Genis, Colette, Ed, and Al arrived in the city of Palanthas. They were soon standing before the dreaded Shoikan Grove that guards the Tower of High Sorcery.
“Come on Shade! Let’s go walk through the Shoikan Grove!” Tas said excitedly.
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Colette asked.
“No, not really. There are a few undead guardians that try to pull you underground with their skeletal hands, but I can handle them. I have this!” Tas held up an ordinary-looking silver spoon. “The Kender Spoon of Turning! It’s a holy relic given to my Uncle Trapspringer by the goddess Mishakal!”
“Can I hold the Kender Spoon of Turning?” Shade asked, taking the magic spoon from Tas. “I think I’ll go to the Tower of High Sorcery alone. I don’t think Raistlin will be very happy if I bring a kender with me.”
“Actually, Raistlin and I are great friends. Well, maybe not exactly friends, more like acquaintances really. But I’m sure Raistlin would be very glad to see me!” Tas said.
“I’ll come back later,” Shade said, ignoring Tas, “after I’ve learned a lot of magic.” Shade held up the spoon and said “Begone foul wraiths!” Shockingly, all the undead guardians immediately crawled back into the ground, moaning piteously.
“The spoon actually worked?” Bookworm gasped.
“Of course it worked! It’s the Kender Spoon of Turning!” Tas said indignantly.
“Hey! Did anyone else notice that we just let Shade go into an evil tower with the Sorcerer’s Ring?” Genis asked.
“Noooo! Now we’ll be stuck in Krynn forever!” Bookworm complained.
“So now what do we do?” Lloyd asked.
“Let’s go walk in the Shoikan Grove without a charm or magic spoon! I’m sure it will be a very interesting experience!” Tas said. He started to walk into the Grove, but Bookworm stopped him.
“No! Let’s do something a little less dangerous,” she said, “like poke the undead guardians with a stick!”
“Yay!” Tas and Bookworm grabbed sticks and started poking the undead guardians.
“AAAAAAAHHH!!!” Bookworm screamed as their skeletal hands started to pull her down to her grave.
“Bookworm, I don’t think it was a good idea to poke them like that,” Keyblade said. She clapped her hands and alchemified a keyblade. After using the keyblade to save Bookworm and Tas from the undead guardians, everyone decided to leave the Shoikan Grove.
They walked through Palanthas, looking for something interesting to do while Shade was learning magic.
“Oh wow! Look! It’s the great Library of Palanthas! Yes! This is like a dream come true!” Bookworm shouted happily.
“A library? Awesome! Let’s go!” Ed said excitedly. He and Bookworm ran into Astinus’s library.
“Look! They have books about science!”
“And they have books about dragons!”
Astinus, the great historian of Krynn, had hardly even reacted to the Cataclysm, but now he stared in horror at the two people who were determined to read every book in his enormous library.
“Okay, I think they’ve found something to do,” Keyblade said. “Now what about the rest of us?”
“Colette! Genis! Let’s go find some draconians to fight!” Lloyd said. “Kratos will get mad if I don’t practice my fighting at all.”
“Let’s practice some alchemy, Keyblade. Even if you did see the Truth and alchemify a keyblade, you’re still an apprentice,” Al said.
Meanwhile, Kratos, Mithos, Raine, Zelos, Presea, Regal, and Sheena had arrived in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist.
“We must find the thieves who stole the Sorcerer’s Ring… And where did Lloyd go?” Kratos asked.
“I think they ran ahead again,” Raine said.
“Forget about Lloyd! We need to go find all those girls! Do you think they’ll be my hunnies?” Zelos asked. “Hey! There’s another hunny over there!”
“Oh my. Who are these people?” said a strange woman.
“Can I eat them, Lust? Can I eat them? Please?” said a fat man.
“Go ahead, Gluttony. They don’t look like worthy human sacrifices,” Lust said.
“Yum!” Gluttony yelled as he reached for Kratos, trying to bite him.
wonderful! I get to take the test and become a colored mage, right? And we should vist the drake's world if keyblade'll post her turn... Go Raistlin!
wonderful! I get to take the test and become a colored mage right? And we should visit the drake's world if keyblade'll post her turn... Go Raistlin! :)
Yeah, you'll take the Test. I don't think you'd let us leave Krynn otherwise. (You want black robes, right?) And we'll get to fight the dragonarmies when they attack Palanthas. I'm sure it will be a very interesting experience!
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