Mithos and the DDR Machine

“How do you work this?” Rin asked, staring at the DDR machine in confusion.
“I’ll help you, my future hunny!” Zelos volunteered. “Hmm…” As he stared at the DDR machine, he realized he really had no idea how to work it. “I’ll be right back!” He said and quickly ran away to find Raine. She knows about machines and stuff like that. And she’s a super gorgeous ultra beauty! he thought excitedly.
Sheena rolled her eyes. “Idiot Chosen… Hey Mithos! Help Rin work this thing,” she said.
“Okay! Rin, here’s some tokens. You put them in that slot and then pick a level. You should start with Beginner. Then just pick a song,” Mithos explained.
Rin nodded and followed his instructions. “Master Jaken! What song should we do?” she asked.
“Hmph! I will not play this silly human game!” Jaken said.
“Give it a try, Jaken!” Mithos said. “Or are you just afraid Rin will beat you?”
“WHAT?! She won’t beat me!” Jaken said, offended by the idea. He ran over to the DDR machine.
“I want to try this song!” Rin said, selecting “Nori Nori Nori”. She and Jaken started stepping on the arrows. Rin was doing well for a beginner, but Jaken fell flat on his face.
“What is wrong with this machine? There are more arrows on my side than on Rin’s!” he complained.
“Oops, I think I picked Heavy for you instead of Beginner,” Mithos said, trying not to laugh.
“Stupid human!” Jaken shrieked. “I do not need to play your silly DDR game! Lord Sesshomaru is better than you anyway!”
“Has Sesshomaru even played DDR before?” Mithos asked, confused.
“No! But even so, he can easily defeat a foolish human like you!” Jaken retorted.
“Hey Sesshomaru! I challenge you to a game of DDR!” Mithos yelled at Sesshomaru, who was still arguing with Kratos outside the arcade.
“Mithos, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Rin said, getting off the DDR machine. Mithos ignored her warning.
“I accept your challenge,” Sesshomaru said as he entered the arcade, which was almost empty now because all the little kids had run away in fear of the scary demon.
“Can I pick the song, Lord Sesshomaru?” Rin asked.
“Yes, go ahead, Rin,” Sesshomaru nodded.
After looking through the song list a few times, Rin selected “Witch Doctor”. Mithos selected Standard level and stood on the first DDR mat, which worked better than Sesshomaru’s mat. Sesshomaru selected Heavy level.
The song began. Sesshomaru moved so fast it was unbelievable. Mithos didn’t stand a chance. He fell flat on his face, just like Jaken had a few minutes before. The song ended and their grades appeared. Mithos got an E. Sesshomaru got an AAA. Mithos didn’t even bother to get up. He just lay where had fallen on the DDR mat, crying pathetically.
“Ha! Foolish human! I told you Lord Sesshomaru would beat you! No one can defeat Lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken jumped up and down, cheering.
“Sesshomaru! I will defeat you!” Kratos said, stomping into the arcade. He was tired of arguing with Sesshomaru and wanted to prove once and for all that he was better than the strange demon. He would rather have challenged Sesshomaru to a swordfight, but after Jaken’s bragging, he decided to do DDR instead.
They both selected Heavy level. Kratos kicked the sobbing Mithos off the DDR mat. Mithos fell onto the floor beside the DDR machine, still crying about his defeat. This time, Presea picked the “Waka Laka” song. Kratos and Sesshomaru started dancing. They appeared to be doing equally well. The only way to tell who was better was to see the grades at the end. They were almost done with the song when they were interrupted. For the second time that day, the DDR machine exploded. The force of the explosion sent Kratos and Sesshomaru flying to the other side of the arcade.
“We were almost done! Why did it explode like that?!” Sesshomaru demanded angrily.
“Yes, we were about to complete the song. And I liked that song!” Kratos complained angrily.
“Oops! Sorry everyone!” Raine appeared from behind the remains of the DDR machine. “I was just examining this fascinating magitechnology device! Now I simply must dissect it to find out why it exploded like that!” Raine started to examine a piece of debris that looked a lot like one of the arrows. She did not even notice Kratos and Sesshomaru approaching with their swords unsheathed. Zelos decided this would be a good time to heroically save his hunny. He just had to think of how to save her.
Mithos had not bothered to move before the explosion. When the DDR machine blew up, he had still been lying on the floor next to it, crying like a little child. The good thing was he had now stopped crying. The bad thing was he was now either unconscious or dead. Zelos wasn’t sure which and didn’t really care. He just needed to take the Mage’s Ring from Mithos and save his hunny. He grabbed the ring and activated, sending everyone back to Derris-Kharlan.
As soon as they got there, Kratos forgot about his anger at Raine. Something was very wrong. He heard noises from outside the door. No one was supposed to be in Derris-Kharlan without his permission! Furiously, he opened the door and was knocked over as Noishe ran into the room. The giant green and white dog licked Kratos’s face and told him that Derris-Kharlan was under attack by the Renegades! So far, they had been unable to enter because of Cruxis’s amazing security system, but it wouldn’t be long before Yuan, a former member of Cruxis, found a way in.
Kratos was the only one in the group who understood Noishe’s language. Everyone else just stared at him being licked by a big dog. (Except Mithos didn’t stare because he was still either unconscious or dead.)
“What’s going on?” Rin asked in confusion.
“Noishe says the Renegades are attacking Derris-Kharlan! We must defeat them before we continue our search for Lloyd and those other people!” Kratos said, standing up.
“Why are they attacking?” Raine asked.
“They want to kill Mithos. They think he is Yggdrasil,” Kratos explained.
“Where is Mithos anyway? I hope he’s not still crying about that DDR game,” Sheena asked, looking around.
“Umm… I think he’s unconscious… or dead…” Zelos said.
Raine looked at Mithos. “He’s not quite dead yet. I think I can heal him, but we should go somewhere else. We’re about to be attacked and I can only heal one person at a time.”
“No! I will not flee from a battle! I will not let Yuan capture Derris-Kharlan as long as I’m alive!” Kratos yelled.
“But if we stay here, Mithos could die. Isn’t that what Yuan wants anyway?” Regal asked.
“He will probably be very angry if Mithos survives. And after Mithos recovers, we can return and defeat Yuan,” Presea said.
“Fine,” Kratos reluctantly agreed.
“Zelos, change the function and activate the Mage’s Ring. Hopefully, it will take us to someplace a little more peaceful,” Raine said.
“Okay, your highness!” Zelos eagerly followed her orders.
They all vanished from Derris-Kharlan and appeared in another world. “Peaceful” was not a good word to describe this world. The first thing they saw when they arrived was a large pile of bloody bones. Standing innocently next to the bones was a fluffy little bunny. And it had nasty big pointy teeth!
I finally wrote more! Yay! Sorry I didn't write anything about Snape and the rest of us. I'll write it in the next part. (Please don't kill me, Shade!)
*restrains violent impulse to strangle bookworm* jk, lol! but please post soon!
Don't worry. I'll post more soon. I was halfway done with writing the next segment, but my computer died and by the time I recharged the battery, I didn't have anymore time to write. Sorry. But I should have a lot more time soon because next week is the end of Drivers Ed. Yay! :^)
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