Bookworm vs. Shade

“I’m a Dragon Rider?” A huge grin spread across Bookworm’s face. “Yes! Yes! YES!!!” She had completely forgotten the horrible pain from her gedwey ignasia. Now, she was jumping up and down, cheering wildly.
The dragon looked at her in confusion. Are you okay?
“What? I thought dragons weren’t supposed to talk for a while,” Bookworm stopped jumping and cheering. “What’s your name anyway?”
I am Indigo. The hatchling said.
“That’s the name of the drake whose essence was in the sphere you absorbed! Do you have any weird memories of an assassin’s village?”
Shade stared at bookworm impatiently. Bookworm then realized she’d spoke aloud.
“My dragon spoke to me! She says her name is Indigo.”
Shade’s eyes narrowed as Keyblade spoke out. “Isn’t that the name of that assassin drake?”
“Yeah, I think Indigo absorbed my drake sphere when she hatched,” Bookworm explained. “Maybe that’s why she can already talk.”
“Can you still shift into drake form without your sphere?” Keyblade asked.
“Oh no! I didn’t think of that!” Bookworm concentrated really hard and tried to shift into drake form, but it wasn’t working. She was still human. Then she felt Indigo’s consciousness touching hers. At this, Bookworm’s drake wings and tail appeared in a purple haze. “Yay! I’m in drake form! Yippee! Thanks Indigo!”
I think you can only shift when we use our bond as dragon and Rider. Indigo said.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Bookworm nodded. “Can I shift into full-drake form?”
“Unlikely!” Shade grinned evilly. “And that means I’m the only one who can shift into full-drake form! Cat lost too much of Goldd’s essence during the battle with Flare. And some of Sylvrr’s essence leaked out when Mithos got hit with a fireball.”
Bookworm groaned. “Why do you always end up being more powerful then us?”
Before Shade could answer, someone screamed, “They’re attacking!” Within moments, everyone was ready and waiting for the battle.
“Bookworm, are you and Indigo going to fight?” Eragon asked from his seat on Saphira.
“Yeah, I’m fighting. Indigo will fight with me, but she’s not big enough to ride yet. She’ll probably just use her teeth and claws to rid enemies to shreds. So stay out of her way. I’d really hate it if you accidentally got ripped to shreds,” Bookworm said, grinning.
Eragon missed her threat because he suddenly saw something that completely distracted him. He jumped off Saphira’s back and pointed excitedly at the ground. “Look, Saphira! I found an ant!”
Eragon, we are about to begin a battle that will decide the fate of Alagaesia. Can you please wait until after the battle to play with the ants? Saphira said irritably. Eragon had a strange obsession with ants. Sometimes, he would spend the whole day just staring at them. It got kind of annoying after a while.
Eragon reluctantly turned away from the ant. Before he could get back on Saphira, he saw the only thing that he obsessed over more than ants. Arya was coming.
She stopped when she saw him. He was staring at her, his mouth hanging open. He was even drooling a little. “Eragon, I want to talk to you about what happened at the party. It really bothers me when you flirt with me like that. You’re too young for me and I’d rather just be friends. So please stop flirting with me.”
“Okay, whatever you say, Arya,” Eragon said, wiping the drool off his face. “And by the way, you look absolutely gorgeous today. Are you doing anything after the battle? Hey! Why are you looking at me like that? No! Don’t go away!” He watched in dismay as Arya walked away angrily.
Come on, Eragon. It’s time for the battle. Don’t you want to fight Galbatorix’s forces? Saphira asked.
Eragon climbed back onto Saphira’s back, looking very depressed. “Okay, I think a battle’s just what I need right now. Lots of enemies to take out my frustration on!” Saphira flew into the air.
“Cool! Let’s fight!” Keyblade’s gold wings and tail appeared. She clapped her hands and alchemified a keyblade.
“Yay! Battle time!” Bookworm mentally contacted Indigo and shifted into drake form. She soon discovered that her perfect aim was now gone. But it was still better than usual. The kunai mostly hit their targets.
“Don’t turn me into goo this time! I wanna fight!” Mithos said excitedly. He shifted into drake form and unsheathed his sword.
“Then don’t give me a reason to turn you into goo,” Shade retorted. She shifted into Goldd’s normal drake form. (She had used up too much energy traveling from Ellesmera to Uru’baen and from Uru’baen to Surda. It would be a while before she could shift into full-drake form again.)
They fought well for a long time. Keyblade killed many foes with her alchemified keyblade. Bookworm’s kunai (mostly) found their targets. Indigo’s claws were red with the blood of Galbatorix’s men. Mithos discovered that many enemies were taller than him and was happy to stab them without being tackled by security drakes. Many of Galbatorix’s minions were turned into goo and/or killed by Shade. Then their luck worsened. Another Dragon Rider appeared, riding a red dragon. Eragon and Saphira flew to attack the other Rider.
Bookworm stared at Eragon. She knew what was going to happen. This was her least favorite part of the book. Eragon had already annoyed her by constantly flirting with Arya and obsessing over ants. Now his former best friend was going to fight him and spare his life. As soon as he got of earshot, Eragon was going to swear to kill him. This had really pissed her off when she first read about it. (She had even wanted to throw the book, but couldn’t because it was a library book.) Now she picked up an especially shiny kunai dagger and headed in the direction of the fighting Riders.
“Bookworm! Where are you going?” Shade asked suspiciously.
Bookworm didn’t even turn around. She just called back. “I’m gonna kill Eragon!”
Shade quickly finished off the enemy she was fighting. “No you’re not! I told you you can’t kill him until after I finish reading Empire!” She ran after Bookworm. Keyblade and Mithos followed. (Bookworm would probably either kill Eragon or get turned into goo. Either way, they didn’t want to miss it.)
“I don’t care,” Bookworm said, now turning and glaring at Shade. “Eragon’s really bugging me and I wanna kill him!”
“You’ll have to get through me first,” Shade said threateningly.
“Okay!” Bookworm grinned. She was getting tired of Shade always threatening everyone and turning them into goo. Fighting her seemed like the best way to prove that Shade was not the only powerful mage.
“What?” Shade was shocked. She had thought even Bookworm had enough sense of self-preservation to know not to directly challenge Shade.
“If I have to fight you to kill Eragon, I will,” Bookworm said. “I practiced my magic a little more since the last time we fought, so I’m more powerful now. Look! I even figured out how to store magic power in my gem kunai!” Bookworm held up her kunai proudly.
Shade sighed. Bookworm was getting very annoying. She would probably be better off spending the rest of the battle as goo. Shade recited her fireball spell.
“Protego!” Bookworm said the Shield Charm. The fireball bounced off her magical barrier and hit some dwarves who happened to be fighting nearby. They were turned into goo.
Bookworm, I think they were on our side. You’re not supposed to kill our allies. That includes Shade. Indigo said.
Don’t worry! I’m not going to kill her, just wound her badly. Then I’m going to kill Eragon! Bookworm replied. Out loud, all she said was “Brisingr!” An explosion of fire surrounded Shade. Shade’s own magic protected her from the spell, but many of the surrounding troops, both Empire and Varden, were badly injured.
Indigo decided to stay out of this fight. She joined Keyblade and Mithos, who were still just watching the fight. Do you think Bookworm will be okay? She asked them worriedly.
“Yeah, she’ll probably just get turned into goo,” Keyblade said calmly. Indigo did not think being goo was okay, but she realized being goo was better than being dead. However, as the fight continued and the magical explosions got more powerful, she started to wonder if Bookworm might end up dead after all.
Keyblade and Mithos were getting worried too. Both Bookworm and Shade were really powerful. It was very likely that they would accidentally kill a lot of people, possibly even each other.
“Do you think we should do something?” Keyblade asked worriedly. At that exact moment, one of the magical explosions went very close to them. All three jumped out of the way.
When Mithos was out of immediate danger, he looked around to see if his friends were okay. Indigo was standing a short distance away. From the look on her face, he guessed she was mentally screaming at Bookworm. But he couldn’t find Keyblade… Then he saw her lying on the ground near where they had been standing. The magical blast had hit her and knocked her unconscious. Other than being unconscious, she seemed okay. But Mithos was still really angry. This fight was getting way out of control. Any one of them could have been killed by that explosion. Eventually, Bookworm, Shade, or both of them were going to get killed. Killing or saving Eragon was not worth that. It was time for this fight to end.
Mithos unsheathed his sword and ran between Bookworm and Shade to stop their fight. Unfortunately, they both cast powerful spells at the same time. The spells collided, creating an explosion ten times more powerful than the one that had hit Keyblade. And Mithos was right in the middle of it. The bright light of the explosion prevented anyone from seeing what happened next. When the light faded, Mithos was lying on the ground. He was not breathing.
Bookworm and Shade ran over to him. To their surprise, Mithos stood up. “What happened?” he asked, looking around in confusion. His voice sounded different. It didn’t sound like Mithos, but it was still familiar… Suddenly Shade and Bookworm realized where they had heard that voice before. It was Mithos Yggdrasill.
posession time!
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