Derris-Kharlan Again

“Where were you?” Kratos demanded. His calm voice could not conceal his anger.
“I can’t believe you just left us like that! That really pisses me off! We were fighting to save your lives!” Lloyd shouted, his short temper getting the better of him.
“Your cowardice disgusts me,” Kratos said, still giving Mithos a death glare.
“And you stole my hunnies!” Zelos yelled. Everyone stared at him. Then the long silence was broken when Shade recited some words of magic. Zelos instantly turned into a pile of broccoli-scented goo.
“He deserved it,” Shade said simply.
Sheena nodded and looked at the Zelos-goo. “I think it’s an improvement.”
“Are you going to explain what you were doing while we fought the Renegades?” Kratos asked.
“We went to the drake world! And look what I can do!” Bookworm’s purple wings and tail appeared.
“Wow! Those are nice wings, Bookworm!” Colette complimented her.
Colette’s cheerful attitude and his own curiosity calmed Lloyd down a bit. “How did you get those wings?” Bookworm proceeded to explain how Borakk had destroyed the drake village and Indigo had given her the sphere. “What happened to Borakk?”
“We fought and Keyblade defeated him. Then Shade sealed him in his sphere,” Bookworm said.
“And what was Mithos doing this whole time?” Kratos asked. (He disliked Bookworm, Shade, and Keyblade because they “stole” the Sorcerer’s Ring and “kidnapped” Lloyd, Colette, and Genis. But he did consider Mithos his ally, which is why he was angrier at Mithos than the others.)
“He almost assassinated a king,” Keyblade said. She decided it would not be a good idea to mention that Mithos had been goo during the fight with Borakk.
“He did?” Sheena, a former assassin, was clearly impressed.
“Yeah, I was about to stab him, but a bunch of drakes tackled me,” Mithos said, not wanting to admit that his assassination attempt failed because he tripped and fell flat on his face. Kratos still did not appear satisfied, so he added, “I think there were at least ten of them, all shifted into full-drake form.” Shade, Keyblade, and Bookworm had a hard time not laughing at this.
To change the subject, Bookworm asked, “So how did you battle go?”
“We just barely defeated the Renegades,” Lloyd said. “I think they left to get reinforcements. We were doing really well, but then Yuan saladmited Kratos and—”
“That’s enough, Lloyd!” Kratos said sharply, looking very embarrassed. “Mithos, you and your friends have caused a lot of trouble. You are all going home now.”
“I don’t wanna go home yet!” Bookworm whined.
“Yeah, can’t we go to one more world? Please?” Keyblade asked.
“I think so,” Shade grinned evilly.
“You are going home now. Or I will be forced to consider you my enemies,” Kratos said, giving them a death glare again. This left no doubt what their fate would be if they were his enemies.
“Really? If you were my enemy, I would turn you into goo,” Shade said, still grinning evilly. “Tomato-scented goo!”
Kratos’s death glare vanished. A look of horror appeared on his face.
“Keyblade, let’s use that function-changing device,” Shade selected one randomly. She waved at the Symphonians. “We’ll be back later!” Then Keyblade activated the Sorcerer’s Ring and they vanished.
When they appeared in the next world, Shade noticed that the surroundings seemed very familiar. Then she noticed a boy with a red sword, standing next to a blue dragon. They were in Alagaesia.
A moment later, Bookworm noticed the boy too. She grabbed one of her kunai and screamed, “Die, Eragon!”
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