Assassination Attempt?

“Cool! It’s the drake palace!” Bookworm ran through the capital city, towards the palace.
Mithos stared at it in confusion. “It looks like a big tent to me…”
“Yes, it’s a giant tent with many separate rooms,” Shade explained. Mithos still looked confused, but decided not to ask anymore.
“Bookworm! Wait for me!” Keyblade ran to catch up to Bookworm. Soon they were both racing to the palace. Shade and Mithos walked after them. When they caught up at the palace entrance, Bookworm and Keyblade were arguing about who won the race. A nearby drake was glaring at them as though waiting for an excuse to send them away.
“We are here to see King Rainheart,” Shade said to the drake guard.
He nodded. “I will tell him you are here.” He walked into the giant tent. After threatening Bookworm and Keyblade to make them stop arguing, Shade followed him. They entered a room with a long carpet leading to a throne on a raised dais. Since he was not expecting visitors, Rainheart was elsewhere. The drake guard told them to wait there, then went to find Rainheart. Everyone stood there boredly for a while, then…
“Cat!” a warm voice yelled in excitement. Rainheart ran to Keyblade and hugged her.
Mithos stared in horror at him hugging Keyblade. Without thinking, he grabbed his sword and ran to attack Rainheart. Two drake guards who had come with Rainheart as protection rushed to stop him. Just as he was about to stab Rainheart, Mithos tripped and fell flat on his face. The unexpected movement of their target caused the two drakes to fall on top of Mithos, forming a large pile behind Rainheart and Keyblade. Sobbing with frustration, Mithos was forced to settle for giving Rainheart a very nasty death glare. (He learned it from Sesshomaru.) Since Rainheart wasn’t even looking at Mithos, this did not have any effect, but it was the best he could do.
“Cat! I’m so glad you’re back!” Rainheart said, still hugging Keyblade.
“Umm… I’m not Cat. My name’s Keyblade,” Keyblade said.
Rainheart let go of her, very embarrassed. He stared at her for a moment, then shook his head. “Yes, you are Cat. I’d know you anywhere…” Suddenly he looked very concerned. “What happened, Cat? Did you get amnesia?”
Keyblade did not know what to say. She looked to her friends for help. Shade was just watching with an amused expression on her face. Bookworm was not even paying attention. She was staring off into space, probably wondering if there was a library in the palace. Finally, she noticed Mithos, squashed under the drake guards. Following her gaze, Rainheart finally noticed him. He ordered the guards to get up. Mithos remained lying on the ground, just like he had after the DDR incident.
“Mithos, are you okay?” Keyblade asked worriedly.
“Why did you tackle Cat’s friend?” Rainheart demanded angrily.
“He was attempting to assassinate you, King Rainheart!” the orange drake said.
“He lunged toward you with his sword unsheathed, but we stopped him!” the green drake explained proudly. He conveniently forgot to mention that Mithos had only failed to stab Rainheart because he had tripped and fallen flat on his face.
Rainheart was shocked. Why would Cat’s friend be trying to kill him? Were her other friends dangerous too? He glanced at them. One had lots of dangerous kunai knives and the other one… She looked really evil. He decided to keep an eye on them. Turning back to the guards, he motioned for them to take the assassin away. There would be time to interrogate him later. Right now, Rainheart was more concerned with Cat’s strange memory loss.
“Mithos!” Keyblade started to follow the drake guards as they dragged Mithos out of the room. Rainheart's voice stopped her.
“I’m not Cat!” Keyblade shouted, very irritated now. Unfortunately, Goldd’s sphere reacted to her strong emotions. Her gold wings and tail appeared, convincing Rainheart that she was definitely Cat.
Shade decided this would be a good time to intervene. “Keyblade, please stop hurting my character’s feelings.”
“I will explain everything to him. King Rainheart, could I please talk to you in private for a little while?” Shade asked. Rainheart glanced uncertainly at Keyblade, then nodded to Shade.
“I’m going to go make sure Mithos is okay,” Keyblade said. She ran off in the direction the drake guards had taken Mithos, wondering just how she could explain that Mithos was not an assassin and his attempt to stab Rainheart was just a misunderstanding.
“I’ll go… somewhere,” Bookworm said, suddenly realizing she had no idea where she wanted to go. “Are there any libraries near here?”
“No, can’t you just wander around the city for a while?” Shade asked.
“I guess so…” Bookworm shrugged and exited the palace tent. She looked around the city and started walking. To make things a little more interesting, she made her purple wings and tail appear. It was fun to just walk around in drake form. She considered practicing her kunai throwing, which definitely needed work, but decided a crowded city was not a good place to throw knives. As she walked by a group of purple drakes, she overheard part of their conversation.
“It’s completely destroyed? Are you sure?”
“Yes, all that’s left is a pile of ashes. It’s definitely Borakk’s work.”
As soon as she heard the name Borakk, Bookworm began to experience a strange feeling. One moment, she was looking at some purple drakes in a crowded city. The next, she was looking at a giant drake fully transformed in a burning village. His he was dark green, almost black, and his scales had a metallic sheen. His massive jaws lifted in a grin as he watched the fire destroy the village. A young drake ran out of one of the houses. He killed it and a laugh rumbled in his throat. His eyes shone with triumphant expression. Bookworm felt absolutely angry, sad, and terrified all at once.
“Indigo!” She heard someone yelling and her strange vision ended. She was back in the city and one of the purple drakes was screaming at her. “Where did you get Indigo’s sphere, human?”
“Huh? What?” Bookworm stared at the drake in confusion.
“What happened to Indigo?” he asked more slowly.
“Indigo?” Bookworm was too confused by her strange vision to understand. The drake shouted something else, but she wasn’t paying attention. She remembered Shade saying something about viewing a drake’s past because of a sphere… She suddenly realized who Indigo was. “Indigo died. A shiny green drake attacked her village and badly wounded her. She gave me the sphere before she died.”
“Borakk! I knew it!” The drake said to his companions. “Did Indigo say anything before she died?” he asked Bookworm.
“Yeah, she said to tell Rainheart… oh shoot!” Bookworm realized she had completely forgotten her original objective in meeting Rainheart. She immediately ran back to the palace, leaving the purple drakes staring after her in confusion. Even if Shade hadn’t finished explaining the Cat/Keyblade situation yet, this was more important. She had to warn Rainheart about Borakk, the first drake to get a metallic sheen since Goldd and Sylvrr.
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