
“Are we almost there?” Bookworm whined. She had stopped showing off her kunai after many threats from Shade. Without that to entertain her, Bookworm was incredibly bored. So she entertained herself as best she could by complaining constantly.
Mithos was not much better. He wanted to practice flying instead of walking to the drake capital. “Why do we have to meet this Rainheart guy now anyway? Can’t we meet him after I learn to fly?”
“Rainheart is one of the main characters in me and Keyblade’s fanfic. We wrote a lot about him, so now we want to meet him in real life. Arian and the drake at that village told us to find him too,” Shade explained, trying very hard to restrain the impulse to strangle her complaining friends.
“And if we waited for you to learn to fly, Mithos, we’d probably never go to the palace!” Keyblade laughed.
Mithos opened his mouth to say something (probably another remark about Keyblade’s height). Shade interrupted him. “If you say one more annoying thing, I will turn you into banana-scented goo. That goes for you too, Bookworm. I mean it!”
“Why banana-scented?” Keyblade asked.
“Banana-scented attracts mosquitoes,” Shade said with an evil grin.
Mithos decided to stop annoying Shade. It did not take long to find another way to entertain himself. “Hey Bookworm! Can I borrow one of your kunai? Please?” Bookworm silently handed him one. (She had decided it was safer to remain silent non-goo.) Mithos happily took the kunai and threw it many times. Unlike Bookworm, he had enough sense to only brag when he hit his target. This kept him entertained, but did not annoy any of his friends, with the exception of Bookworm, who could not understand why no one got angry at Mithos for playing with the kunai. Unfortunately, this peace did not last long. As they neared the capital, Mithos tried to throw the kunai at a tree again. He tripped in mid-throw and fell flat on his face. The kunai flew out of his hand and passed dangerously close to Shade before hitting a ground a few feet away. Furious that Mithos had nearly killed her, Shade recited one of her favorite spells. A giant fireball hit Mithos, reducing him to a scorched pile of goo, which smelled faintly like bananas.
“Umm… Shade, I think you might have overreacted a little…” Keyblade said.
Bookworm picked up her kunai. “Shade, do you have a non-goo spell or something? We probably shouldn’t just abandon him like that, even though he is annoying.”
“I could do a life spell like the one Raistlin used to save Tas when he got poisoned, but I think Mithos is better like this,” Shade grinned. “And why can’t we leave him here?”
“I wanted to beat him at DDR again,” Bookworm said grumpily.
Keyblade had a brilliant idea. “You can turn him into goo again later. You have so much fun turning people into goo and Mithos is good at giving you excuses.”
“Yeah, I don’t know anyone more likely to annoy you and get turned into goo,” Bookworm said, forgetting to include herself.
Shade considered it for a moment. They did have a good point. It was very amusing to turn annoying people into goo. So for the first time ever, Shade used the life spell. Instead of using her own life energy to revive Mithos, she used energy from the surrounding life forms. A squirrel fell from a tree, his energy drained. He screeched “Chitter chir chir!” and scampered away. Roughly translated, this means “I will get the shiny acorn from you, annoying human creature, no matter what!” But seeing that no one spoke squirrel, they were just really confused.
“Umm… what happened?” Mithos had returned to non-goo.
“You got hit with a fireball and turned into a pile of banana-scented goo,” Keyblade explained cheerfully.
“Oh… Was I a tall pile of goo?” Mithos asked hopefully.
“No, you were very short!” Keyblade said even more happily.
“NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Mithos screamed. Fortunately for him, he got distracted and shut up just before Shade got annoyed enough to turn him into goo again. “Hey! What’s that shiny silver stuff around my sphere?”
“It looks like the fireball broke your sphere. That’s Sylvrr’s essence leaking out,” Shade explained.
“What!?! No way! I need that to fly better than Keyblade and Bookworm!” Mithos wailed in dismay.
“You could try covering up the hole to keep the drake essence in,” Shade suggested.
“How am I supposed to do that?” Mithos asked.
“Oh! I’ve got an idea!” Bookworm grabbed Mithos’s sphere and sword. “Find some way to stick it on the sword. That would look really cool.” She looked at the sword and sphere in confusion, unsure how to attach them.
“Let me see those,” Keyblade took them from Bookworm. She clapped her hands and alchemified the sword so that the sphere was attached to it. The hole was now completely covered with no essence leaking out.
“Thanks!” Mithos grabbed his sword.
“Can we get going now? I don’t want to have to turn anyone into goo again,” Shade said with a grin that suggested she would absolutely love to turn them all into goo as soon as she had a good excuse.
“Yeah, sure,” Bookworm said. Then she noticed something strange. “Hey Shade, when did your sphere get so colorful? I thought it was empty.” Shade just grinned evilly, confusing Bookworm even more.
As you can see, I colored your goo picture, Shade. It took a really long time, so please go easy on the criticism. :)
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