Shiny Marble!!!

“Wait for me!” Shade yelled as she ran after Keyblade.
“It’s DDR! There’s DDR in this world!” Keyblade shouted, pointing excitedly at the DDR machine. (Months spent at Hogwarts without DDR had made her go slightly crazy.)
“Yes, Keyblade, I know there’s DDR. Do you want to do a round against me?” Shade asked.
“YES!!” Keyblade selected a song and waited to begin. This DDR machine did not have the normal songs, but they were still good. When the round was over, both Keyblade and Shade had earned the rating “Goddess”, which is equivalent to AA on a normal DDR machine.
“My turn! My turn! I wanna do DDR too!” Bookworm yelled excitedly. (She had not gone crazy from lack of DDR. She had been crazy long before the trip to Hogwarts.) “Mithos! Get over here! I’m gonna beat you at DDR!”
“This should be fun to watch,” Shade said as she got off the DDR machine. Keyblade reluctantly followed her.
“Hey! What’s wrong with this thing? It doesn’t have ‘Nori Nori Nori’!” Bookworm complained.
“Try this one,” Keyblade selected a song for Bookworm and Mithos. When they completed the round, Bookworm had the rating “Underling” (C) and Mithos had “Lackey” (D).
“YES! I beat you! I’m an underling!” Bookworm cheered and jumped up and down in excitement.
“So? You’ve just had more practice than me,” Mithos said.
“You could have had more practice if you had been on time for DDR, instead of being three hours late,” Bookworm pointed out.
Mithos glared at her. “I told you just because I was late didn’t mean you had to go exploring anime worlds without me!”
“Shut up, both of you! If you keep fighting, I’ll turn you both into goo!” Shade snapped. Bookworm and Mithos were getting really annoying.
“I still beat you…” Bookworm muttered.
“That’s it!” Shade recited a spell to turn Bookworm into goo. Bookworm dodged the spell and hid behind the DDR machine. When it missed her, the spell hit the innocent DDR machine, reducing it to a pile of cherry-scented goo. Keyblade stared at it in horror for a moment. When she recovered from her shock, she clapped her hands and alchemified a keyblade to avenge the DDR machine. By this time, Bookworm had managed to run into the nearby forest, still hoping to escape Shade’s anger. Shade chased after her while dodging Keyblade’s keyblade. Mithos followed them. He didn’t want to miss the upcoming fight.
The King of Squirrels sat in a tree, admiring a strange acorn he had found. It was round, gold, and looked very unique. And best of all, it was really shiny! The Squirrel King enjoyed showing it off to the Chipmunk King, who had lost their recent war and was very jealous of this acorn. Suddenly, the Squirrel King noticed a group of strange creatures (were they humans?) running through his forest and making a lot of noise. One particularly annoying creature kept yelling something about “DDR” and “goo” and “die Shade”. To get her to shut up, he did something that made perfect sense at the time, but was later decided to be a very bad decision. He threw the great, shiny acorn at the annoying human creature.
Keyblade had been about to hit Shade with her keyblade, thus avenging the DDR machine, when a strange object randomly hit her in the head. “Ouch! What was that?” She looked around to find what had hit her. Lying innocently on the ground was a shiny gold sphere. Curious, she picked it up. “Hey! This looks just like…” She suddenly realized where they were. “SHADE! Stop trying to kill Bookworm and look what I found!”
Hearing her urgent tone of voice, Shade paused. “I’m not trying to kill her! I just want to turn her into a pile of goo! And what did you find that’s so important?”
“It’s Goldd’s marble! Just like Cat had in our fanfic! We’re in the drake world!” Keyblade held up the sphere for everyone to see. In her excitement, she had forgotten about the fate of the DDR machine and her plan for revenge. As she held the sphere, she looked like she had wings and a tail…
“What’s going on?” Mithos asked, completely confused. He was sure he must be imagining the wings and tail, but why was Keyblade so excited about finding a marble?
“Come on!” Shade commanded, continuing into the forest. “I’ll explain on the way. We’re in the drake world, so we should meet Arian." Shade's expression changed for a moment, and Bookworm shivered when she saw the gleam of interest in Shade's eye. This did not bode well.
I probably won't post much more fanfic in the next few days. My parents keep freaking out at me for spending too much time on my computer. :( So, I can't guarantee I'll get to write/post anything in the next few days.
Shade, can you email me or something when you edit my posts?
you'll see the reason for mine intrest when you read the end of Cat's fanfic. and I did say I was going to edit as drakes are my creation in this instance. to anyone lost by this comment, check out Cat's fanfic(complete!) at
on the cafe message board.
I don't mind if you edit my posts, but I just want you to tell me so that I can correct your spelling mistakes. :P (There were two mistakes in that last part!)
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