Game Over

“STOP!” Colette’s voice echoed all over the stadium when she yelled into the megaphone. “Mr. Kratos! Please don’t kill anyone! At least wait until the end of the match!”
“Yeah, dad! You can sit in the stands and watch me win!” Lloyd shouted as he flew by. He was trying to hit Shade with a bludger, but missed because he was distracted by Kratos’s sudden appearance. Instead, the bludger headed straight for Mithos, who surprisingly managed to dodge it. Maybe all his recent near-death experiences had made him a little better at surviving.
“Come on! Let’s go watch!” Sheena said eagerly. Zelos, Presea, and Regal all nodded in agreement. Raine was already running towards the stands. She absolutely had to examine Colette’s megaphone.
“Fine,” Kratos reluctantly agreed. He returned his sword to its sheath and put away his angel wings, then followed Raine. He kept his hand on his sword hilt, as though he couldn’t wait to challenge his enemies and retrieve the Sorcerer’s Ring.
After dodging the bludger, Mithos just stared at his friends flying above him. “Do they look smaller to you?” he asked Presea.
“Yes, their size has decreased significantly,” she agreed. “After this game, we must ask them what happened.”
Mithos nodded and hurried after Kratos. They all sat in the stands with Colette to watch the rest of the chaotic game. After about fifteen minutes, there were many more goals. Keyblade and Angelina had each scored a goal. Ed had scored two. The Hufflepuff and Slytherin chasers had also earned many points for their teams. The score was now:
Gryffindor - 40
Ravenclaw - 20
Hufflepuff - 20
Slytherin - 50
Slytherin was ahead because almost no one had gotten past their keeper. So far, the only one was Bookworm. She had flown past Shade, but was so surprised by this unexpected success that she dropped the Quaffle. She didn’t manage to get a goal, but at least she wasn’t turned into goo.
“How much longer is this going to take?” Kratos asked grumpily. He was getting very impatient. He didn’t usually wait for his enemies to play sports before attacking.
“Umm… I think it ends when someone catches the snitch. That’s a little golden ball. It’s so pretty!” Colette explained.
“Someone had better catch it soon…” Kratos said threateningly.
Hearing this, Bookworm suddenly realized that there had been no sign of the snitch in the entire game. The crowd cheered as Keyblade scored another goal and then screamed as one of the Hufflepuff chasers suddenly turned into a pile of goo when he got too close to the Slytherin goals. Bookworm ignored this as she wondered why the snitch had not yet appeared. The weather was perfect and all the seekers were very talented… Suddenly she realized where the snitch was.
“HARRY!” she called as she flew toward her teammate. She accidentally crashed her broom into him, causing them both to nearly fall. Once they regained their balance, Harry asked, “What’s the matter now, Bookworm?” He had been trying to avoid her during Quidditch games, after she had accidentally knocked him off his broom during one practice. (He had spent a whole day in the hospital wing and later found out that she had just wanted to ask if she could borrow his copy of Quidditch Through the Ages.)
“I think I know where the snitch is!” she excitedly told him her idea. He immediately flew to the stands. As Bookworm suspected, the snitch had been in Tas’s pouch for most of the game.
“GRYFFINDOR WINS!!!” Lee screamed into the megaphone. All the Hogwarts students swarmed onto the field to congratulate their teams.
“Come on! Let’s say hi to Lloyd!” Colette said as she flew to the field. Kratos, Mithos, and the other Symphonians hurried after her.
noooo! *continues screaming until runs out of oxygen* *inhales* done in by a kender! on a leash no less! so very glad that he will be leaving out presence shortly... *rubs hands evilly* but now onwards to the drakes and Sylvrr!
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