An Explosive First Day At Hogwarts!

“I didn’t steal anything! I’m not a thief!” Tas said angrily.
“Umm… Bookworm, I think Tas is in trouble,” Keyblade said. Bookworm did not seem to hear her. She had started reading the books she had gotten from the library. Bookworm never paid attention to what was going on when she was reading.
“Liar! You stole George’s dungbombs!” Fred Weasley accused. “I saw you take them! They’re in your pouch!”
Tas looked in his pouch and discovered that the dungbombs really were there. He gave them back to George. “You must have dropped them. You’re really lucky I found them or someone might have stolen them.”
“I didn’t drop them! Fred saw you take them right out of my bag,” George said, stuffing the dungbombs back in his bag.
“No! I’m just really good at finding things!” Tas persisted.
“Are you sure he stole the dungbombs, Fred?” Percy asked. “No one else saw him. You had better not be saying this just to bother first-years… And you’re not supposed to have dungbombs anyway! I’m confiscating those.” He snatched the dungbombs away from George.
“Nice going! You got us caught!” George glared at Tas, then turned to Fred. “And that was the last of my dungbombs… I need to go to Zonko’s. When’s the next Hogsmeade trip?”
“Not until next month. We’ll have to use the secret passage,” Fred whispered.
“I could find those dungbombs for you!” Tas offered.
At this point, they were interrupted by a loud explosion.
For the first time, Bookworm looked up from her book. “What’s going on?”
“That sounded like it came from near the dungeons… That’s where the Slytherin Common Room is. Do you think Shade’s okay?” Keyblade asked. She got no answer because Bookworm had started reading again. Keyblade poked her to get her attention. “Hey! Do you want to go to the dungeons and find out what happened?”
“Okay,” Bookworm reluctantly put down her book and followed Keyblade out the portrait hole. They walked down to the dungeons where all the Slytherins were trying to explain what had happened to the teachers. Everyone was telling a different story and thought it was definitely not their own fault.
“Shade! What happened?” Keyblade asked when she found her friend.
Shade grinned evilly. “Some of the other Slytherins said a Muggle-born couldn’t do magic as well as a Pureblood. So I showed them some of the spells Raistlin taught me.”
“You exploded your Common Room!?!” Bookworm asked in amazement.
“Shade, do you think maybe you could try not to kill anyone while we’re here?” Keyblade asked.
Before Shade could answer, there was another explosion. This one came from the direction of the Gryffindor Common Room.
“Where’s Tas?” Shade asked suspiciously.
“We left him in the Common Room… I think he was going to help Fred and George get some dungbombs…” Keyblade said, realizing what had caused the second explosion.
“And you accuse me of trying to kill people! You left a kender unsupervised! He probably set off the Weasleys’ whole collection of dungbombs!” Shade yelled at them.
“Should we go see if everyone’s okay?” Keyblade asked uncertainly.
“No, if dungbombs caused the explosion, we should wait awhile first. We won’t be able to breathe in that Common Room for at least an hour… While we wait, we could go to the library!” Bookworm said excitedly.
“No! You already went to the library. You’ve got enough books for now. Maybe we could see how Ed, Al, and the Symphonia people are doing,” Keyblade suggested.
Bookworm reluctantly agreed. Shade decided to come too. (It was best if the teachers didn’t see her at the scene of the first explosion.) Hufflepuff was closest to the Slytherin Common Room, so they decided to visit Lloyd and Colette first. Halfway there, Colette flew right into them, knocking Bookworm down.
“Why aren’t you in your Common Room?” Bookworm asked in confusion as she stood up.
Lloyd flew after her and started to explain. “Colette tripped and knocked over someone’s Potions project. There was a little explosion and some people started to change colors…”
Colette continued his explanation. “Lloyd saved me! He hit the cauldron with his sword so none of the potion got on me. It hit some other students instead. They were getting a little angry, so we decided to leave.”
“You used your sword in front of everyone?! Please tell me you left before using your wings,” Shade said.
“Of course! And why shouldn’t I use my sword?” Lloyd asked, confused.
“This is a school. That means no swords allowed,” Bookworm explained.
“But I got to bring my sword to school in Iselia!” Lloyd protested.
“I think Raine was too busy making sure you stayed awake to complain about your sword,” Keyblade said.
Lloyd ignored her. “So why aren’t you in your Common Rooms?”
“I blew mine up,” Shade said proudly.
“Tas set off a bunch of dungbombs in ours,” Keyblade said.
“Since Colette blew up that potion, that means Ravenclaw is the only House that hasn’t been exploded yet,” Bookworm observed. “Let’s go see Ed, Al, and Genis!”
As they neared the Ravenclaw Common Room, a fourth explosion shook the school.
“I wonder who did that,” Bookworm said sarcastically.
“ED! What did you do?! We agreed we’d wait until later to try to get our bodies back!” Al yelled.
“That wasn’t what I was doing…” Ed muttered.
“Then what were you doing?” Genis asked angrily.
“I was just trying to use the Philosopher’s Stone to make myself a little taller,” Ed said, his voice barely audible.
“WHAT!?!” everyone screamed.
“But you said we’d only use it to get my body and your arm and leg, Big Brother! You know how dangerous human transmutations are!” Al shouted.
Ed yelled at him. “That’s easy for you to say! You’re a tall suit of armor! It was bad enough before, but now Shade cast that spell…”
“I have an idea!” Bookworm said. “I was reading something earlier about an Aging Potion. If I can make that, we can return to our real ages when we’re ready to leave Hogwarts.”
“Wow! That’s a great idea, Bookworm!” Colette said happily.
“Okay, you can make the Aging Potion, Bookworm, but make sure you keep an eye on Tas too. We don’t want anymore explosions,” Shade said.
“Fine,” Bookworm agreed reluctantly. Keeping an eye on a kender was a nearly impossible task, so she wasn’t expecting much success.
Later, Shade cast memory spells on the teachers so they wouldn’t remember who caused the explosions and everyone returned to their Common Rooms. While Keyblade and Bookworm were gone, Tas had become the Weasley twins’ new partner. (They thought the dungbomb explosion was great!) Now Filch would have to deal with a kender, along with Fred, George, and Peeves. Bookworm almost felt sorry for him. Almost. She read more about the Aging Potion. It didn’t sound too difficult, but she wasn’t sure she could do it correctly… Suddenly, she had a brilliant idea! She could ask Hermione to help!
poor innocent hermione, oh well. mayhaps we can get the main trio (and draco) back into the fic? it must be a momentous greeting! (tas'll steal something and we'll collide in a hallway, undoubtedly ending up in a heap). would hagrid consider adopting tas if he knows tas is a dangerous creature?
Definitely possible... I'll include that next time I get bored enough to write more fanfic, which is not likely to happen this weekend.
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