
“Yay! We’re gonna fly again!” Bookworm cheered happily.
“Yeah! And I’m gonna fly better than the rest of you! Because I’m the tallest!” Mithos said proudly.
“Actually, Rainheart’s the tallest,” Keyblade grinned evilly at Mithos. Mithos glared at Rainheart and reached for his sword.
“Mithos, if you try to kill him one more time…” Shade said threateningly. Mithos stopped reaching for his sword, but continued to give Rainheart a death glare. Rainheart sighed tiredly. He could see this journey would be requiring his babysitting skills even more than the last.
“Where are we going, anyway?” Bookworm asked.
“We’re going to fly over the mountains. The destroyed village was near there, so it makes sense that Borakk would seek shelter somewhere near the mountains,” Shade explained.
“Shade, how are you going to get over the mountains? You can’t fly,” Keyblade said curiously.
“Don’t worry. You’ll see when we get there,” Shade said with an evil grin. Bookworm was still confused about Shade’s plans, but decided it was better not to ask.
They reached the mountains sooner than they expected. “Hey! It took forever to walk from the village to the palace! How did we get here so fast?” Bookworm demanded.
“Did you get lost at all, last time?” Rainheart asked.
“No! …maybe… I’m not sure…” Bookworm said uncertainly. She did not have a very good sense of direction, so they probably had been lost.
“Do we get to fly now?” Mithos asked excitedly. His wings and tail appeared in a silver haze. Without waiting for an answer, he jumped into the air and moved his wings rapidly up and down. He fell flat on his face again.
“Mithos! How many times do I have to tell you? Back and forth! You move your wings back and forth! Not up and down!” Shade yelled at him.
She’s right. Could you try moving them back and forth? I’m getting tired of falling. Sylvrr told Mithos.
By now, Bookworm, Keyblade, and Rainheart were all successfully flying. Mithos glared at Rainheart as if everything was his fault. Then he tried flying again, this time following Sylvrr and Shade’s directions.
“Yes! I’m flying!” Mithos yelled as he flew up to his friends.
“Good job!” Keyblade congratulated him.
They had started to fly over the mountains when they were suddenly joined by another drake. It had gold wings just like Keyblade!
“Noooooo! There are two Keyblades!” Mithos screamed in horror.
Mithos! Don’t panic! Keep moving your wings! Sylvrr warned him. But he was too late. In his shock, Mithos had forgotten to move his wings back and forth. He was now plummeting down to the ground.
The gold drake watched him fall. “If he crashes one more time, I’m turning him into goo!”
“SHADE!?!” Bookworm and Keyblade gasped, staring at Shade in amazement. Shade grinned evilly.
Rainheart was the first to recover from his shock. “We should go find Mithos,” he said, looking uneasily in the direction Mithos had fallen.
“No, don’t bother. He’s probably just unconscious again. We can find him later,” Shade said.
“Umm… Shade? Why are you a gold drake? I thought I was the only gold drake,” Keyblade said, still very confused.
“I put some of Goldd’s essence in my empty sphere. It also has some of Sylvrr and Indigo’s essences. I can shapeshift into any of those three,” Shade explained.
“How did you get Indigo’s essence?” Bookworm demanded.
“I took some of it when I used your life essence to revive Mithos,” Shade said.
“Oh…” Bookworm suddenly had a great idea. “Hey Shade! Didn’t you use a squirrel’s life essence too? Can you turn into a squirrel? Please?”
“No! Why would I want to turn into squirrel?” Shade asked.
“I dunno… But please turn into one! Please!” Bookworm persisted.
“Bookworm, you’re being annoying again. I already told you that if you annoy me, you will be goo. Don’t you have any sense of self-preservation?” Shade asked, getting really irritated.
“Umm… I’m not sure… But are you going to turn into a squirrel?” Bookworm asked.
Keyblade and Rainheart watched as Bookworm dodged the fireballs Shade was aiming at her. (Apparently, she did have some sense of self-preservation.) Everyone had forgotten about Mithos.
Meanwhile, Mithos was on the ground, doing a victory dance. “I’m not unconscious! I fell really far and landed flat on my face, but I’m still not unconscious! Yay!” Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the glint of shiny, metallic scales. “Keyblade! I’m not unconscious! And I’m still taller than you!” A growl of rage made him stop his victory dance and turn around. Keyblade was not behind him. Behind him was a gigantic dark green drake with metallic scales. He did not look friendly. In fact, he was looking at Mithos like he wanted to tear him into little pieces. Mithos stared at the big, angry drake and said “Meep!”
Shade, I think it would be a good idea to have word verification for comments on your blog. ("Type the letters and numbers you see in the image.") The Tuftsstuff and Anime/Manga Club blogs have that and it definitely helps keep comments more relevant.
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