Rainheart's Decision

“Hey! Rainheart!” Bookworm ran into the drake palace.
“I thought I told you to go away for a while,” Shade said. “If you keep interrupting, I’ll turn you into goo.”
Bookworm ignored this threat. “Rainheart! Do you know someone named Borakk?”
This got Rainheart’s attention. “Yes, he was a green drake in my mother’s army. I remember he was a lot larger than most greens and very strong too. He was a great soldier, but was known for being much crueler than most of his companions. He disappeared in the last battle.”
“He recently attacked a village of purple drakes! And now he’s got a metallic sheen!” Bookworm said.
“How do you know this?” Rainheart asked suspiciously. Bookworm held up her purple sphere as explanation. Rainheart understood. “But how could he have gained metallic sheen? Only Goldd and Sylvrr have ever achieved that!”
“I think I know,” Shade said. She had clearly decided not to turn Bookworm into goo yet. “A lot of Goldd’s essence escaped the sphere when Cat fought Flare. If Borakk gained some of that essence, he could have gotten a metallic sheen and much more powers.”
“What’s going on? Who got more powers?” Keyblade walked into the room, followed by Mithos. The two drake guards each held one of his arms to prevent anymore assassinations attempts. Apparently, Keyblade had been unable to convince them that it was a misunderstanding.
Bookworm tried to explain. “I saw something from Indigo’s past. (She’s the purple drake.) A big metallic green drake named Borakk was destroying the village and killing its inhabitants. And Rainheart says Borakk used to be one of Flare’s soldiers. Shade thinks he got some of Goldd’s essence during Cat and Flare’s fight, which is how he got the metallic sheen.”
Mithos still looked completely confused, but Keyblade understood. “We should go after Borakk!” she suggested, eager for adventure.
“Cat, are you sure you’re well enough to do something that dangerous?” Rainheart asked worriedly. His conversation with Shade had failed to convince him that Keyblade was not his beloved Cat with a bad case of amnesia.
“Of course!” Keyblade said. “And I’m not Cat!”
“Don’t worry, Rainheart! Keyblade won’t get in a lot of trouble. And if she does, we’ll be with her to help,” Bookworm said, gesturing to herself, Shade, and Mithos. This attempt to reassure Rainheart failed miserably. He did not want to leave Cat in the protection of two strange magic-users and a suspected assassin. However, he knew there was no way he could stop her if she really wanted to go with her friends to hunt Borakk. There was only one thing he could do.
“Fine, but I’m coming with you,” he announced.
“All right,” Shade agreed. She would enjoy traveling with her character.
“No! Why are you letting him come?!” Mithos demanded.
“He will be a useful ally,” Shade explained.
“But I don’t want him to come!” Mithos whined.
“What’s the matter, Mithos? Why do you hate Rainheart so much?” Keyblade asked, confused.
“HE’S TALLER THAN ME!” Mithos yelled. Complete silence followed his words.
Finally Keyblade said, “You really have a height problem, don’t you?”
“He’s almost as bad as Ed,” Bookworm added. Mithos did not answer.
The green drake decided this would be a good time to intervene. “Your Majesty, are you sure it’s a good idea to travel with this human? He already tried to kill you.”
“I have to protect Cat from him. She needs me,” Rainheart said, reaching for Keyblade’s hand. She moved away from him.
“I’m not Cat! And I can protect myself!” Keyblade yelled. Rainheart stared at her.
“Keyblade, if you don’t want to be a pile of goo, stop hurting Rainheart’s feelings. And Mithos, you stop trying to kill him. I’m the only one who gets to kill my characters,” Shade said angrily. The two guards interpreted this as a threat to murder their king. They waited for Rainheart to tell them to arrest Shade, but he hadn’t even been listening. What Keyblade said had hurt him very much. He was now more determined than ever to help her regain her memories. And the upcoming journey seemed the perfect time to do so.
Once again, Paint failed to work correctly. It took a long time to color Rainheart, so please go easy on the criticism. :)
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