
“Fine!” Eragon said sulkily. He absolutely hated sword training with Vanir, who disliked him very much and usually beat him up. He was starting to regret not paying attention to Oromis’s lesson.
On the other hand, Mithos, Keyblade, and Bookworm were looking forward to the sword practice. Mithos thought Eragon would be a good opponent. Keyblade wanted to fight some of the elves with her keyblade. And of course, Bookworm was eager to see Vanir beat the crap out of Eragon.
“Come on! Let’s go!” Bookworm ran out of Oromis’s house.
“Why is she so happy? I thought she was a witch, not a swordswoman,” Eragon said in confusion. He had not yet caught on to the fact that Bookworm wished him as much pain as possible. When they reached the area reserved for battle practice, Bookworm was jumping up and down in excitement.
“Eragon! Who are those humans?” a young elf yelled, running toward Eragon.
“These are my friends. Oromis said they could come,” Eragon explained.
“I’m not your friend!” Bookworm yelled at him.
“Good for you,” Vanir said. He disliked Eragon too, though not nearly as much as Bookworm. “Are you ready to spar, Eragon?”
“Can I fight Eragon first? Please?” Mithos asked.
“Yeah! I should practice fighting humans too,” Eragon said eagerly.
Vanir was about to yell at him, when he was interrupted by Keyblade. “While Mithos and Eragon are fighting, do you want to spar with me?” She clapped her hands and alchemified a keyblade. Vanir had never seen anything like that. He nodded to Keyblade and unsheathed his sword.
Mithos raised his shiny sword threateningly. Eragon unsheathed Zar’roc too.
“Go Mithos! Kill him! Kill him!” Bookworm cheered.
“I don’t think she likes me…” Eragon observed.
“Yeah, no kidding,” Mithos said, amazed that it had taken Eragon so long to realize this. He decided to stop talking then and start fighting. He aimed a blow at Eragon’s head, but Eragon parried and waved the sword skillfully through the air. Mithos dodged Eragon’s blow and swung his sword back at him. Bookworm loudly cheered for Mithos, until she realized that she was just distracting him and increasing Eragon’s chances of winning. Then she shut up and just gave Eragon a death glare instead. Eventually, Mithos swung his sword around and hit Eragon’s hand. Zar’roc went flying and landed near Bookworm. Blood poured out of the wound on Eragon’s hand.
“Yay! Can I kill him now? Please?” Bookworm picked up Zar’roc.
Mithos was not listening to her. “I beat him! Yay! I’m awesome!” he yelled, jumping up and down and cheering for himself.
While Mithos celebrated and Bookworm wondered how angry Shade would be if she accidentally stabbed Eragon, Keyblade was fighting Vanir. He was stronger than she expected. Because he was an elf, he was naturally stronger than a human… But was he stronger than a drake? Keyblade decided to find out. She shifted into drake form. Her wings and tail appeared in a gold haze. Elves are not used to humans randomly turning into half-dragon creatures. Many started to panic.
At the same time, Mithos yelled very loudly, “No! Bookworm! Shade will kill you!” He was trying to tug Zar’roc away from Bookworm, who was once again trying to attack Eragon. Unfortunately, none of the elves bothered to find out what Mithos was talking about. They heard the word “shade” and saw a drake. They completely panicked and mass hysteria set in once again. Mithos grabbed Zar’roc from Bookworm and dropped it by Eragon. “Come on! Let’s get out of here!” he yelled. Bookworm and Keyblade reluctantly followed him out of Ellesmera. They decided to wait in Du Weldenvarden for a while, until the rioting elves calmed down a little.
“Why did you have to shift into drake form, Keyblade? And Mithos, didn’t you know it’s bad to yell ‘shade’ in front of a bunch of elves?” Bookworm scolded them.
“Oh yeah, and you didn’t do anything wrong, Bookworm,” Mithos said sarcastically.
“I thought you wanted to torment Eragon, not kill him. Why the change of plans?” Keyblade asked.
“I wasn’t gonna kill him,” Bookworm said, trying to look innocent, but failing miserably. “I was just gonna stab him. Some healer would have saved him before he actually died. Can we go back now? I wanna see the dragons!”
“I guess so… Which way’s Ellesmera?” Mithos asked, looking around in confusion.
“I don’t know… Bookworm, did you memorize the map of this forest when you read Eragon?” Keyblade asked hopefully.
“Umm… I think it’s that way,” Bookworm pointed in a random direction. Everyone groaned. As she had proven in the drake world, Bookworm had a poor sense of direction. They were all lost.
lost-hopelessly hopelessly lost, whilst I'm hhappily curled up in some library reading a magic book! will there be a next segment today? and I've got Cie/Valor open as well as Rainheart meets arian, so I AM working on it! (do I get a prize?)
Yeah, yeah, I'm writing the next segment now. It might take a little while longer, but it's gonna be pretty long. (I've been working on fanfic all afternoon.) And your prize is another fanfic segment soon.
yaaaay! *dances, then realizes how OOC that is* ahem, (insert happy phrase here). I'm extending and slightly altering Rainheart meets arian (more angst included as I've just watched the two new potterpuppetpals videos) but it's nearly done anywho. I'll have a printout of it for you tomorrow and I'll send key-chan an e-mail when I finish-unless my parents kick me off the computer due to last minute studying....
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