Not My Fault!

Mithos looked around. “Where’s Martel? What happened to my sister?” He finally noticed Bookworm and Shade. “Who are you?” he demanded, raising his sword threateningly.
“Umm… I’m Bookworm. That’s Shade,” Bookworm said awkwardly.
“Where’s Martel? And what about Kratos and Yuan?” Apparently, Mithos did not remember any of the events that had recently led to his downfall. He glanced at his sword as he raised it threateningly again and noticed Sylvrr’s sphere. “What’s this?” Without waiting for an answer, he said, “It’s my Cruxis Crystal… but different… It’s more powerful… much more powerful…”
He touched the shiny silver sphere. As soon as he touched it, he saw strange memories that were not his own. Some belonged to Sylvrr, a creature with silver wings and a dragon-like tail. Others were from a tall boy, also called Mithos, who wielded his sword. Mithos ignored the drake’s memories and concentrated on the ones from the other Mithos. He was amazed by how often he was knocked unconscious. But what got his attention even more were the people the other Mithos knew: Kratos, Yuan, and Lloyd. The memories of these people reminded Mithos of all their recent betrayals.
“They killed Martel! Lloyd and those traitors killed her! And they killed me too!” Mithos screamed.
“Actually, that’s not exactly what happened…” Bookworm started to say, but Mithos clearly wasn’t listening. He had now noticed the Mage’s Ring.
“Perfect! I can travel to the worlds and gain more power before I get my revenge on them,” Mithos grinned.
Shade had had enough. If Mithos wanted to run into the middle of their fight and get possessed, that was okay. But now he was stealing her job as main villain. There was no way she would let him get away with that! She recited her favorite spell, sending a large fireball to turn him into pineapple-scented goo.
“Guardian!” Mithos yelled. A force field surrounded him and deflected Shade’s attack. “Judgment!” Bright light fell from the sky. Even with Bookworm’s Shield Charm and Shade’s magical defenses, this attack still did some damage. And more importantly, it distracted them long enough for Mithos to activate the Mage’s Ring and escape to Derris-Kharlan.
For a moment, they just stared at where he had been standing. “Umm… Now what do we do?” Bookworm asked. Before Shade could answer, they heard a low groan from behind them. They turned around and saw Keyblade, who had just regained consciousness.
“Oww…” Her head hurt from the explosion. “Mithos, are you okay? Mithos?” She looked around in confusion and noticed Bookworm and Shade. “Hey! The fight’s over! Have you seen Mithos?”
“Uhh… Yeah, actually you just missed him,” Bookworm said. She did not really want to be the one to explain.
“Where’d he go?” Keyblade was very confused.
Shade took over the explanation. “Mithos ran in the middle of our fight. He got hit with a powerful explosion that really should have killed him. But don’t worry! He didn’t actually die. He just got possessed by Mithos Yggdrasill. He wants revenge on Kratos and Lloyd, so he left to get more powers from other worlds.”
“WHAT!?!” Keyblade screamed.
“So what should we do?” Bookworm asked. She spoke calmly, but quickly moved out of Keyblade’s attack range.
“I’m going to kill him! I can’t believe he got more powerful than me! And I’m the evil one! Not Mithos! He will pay for this!” Shade said furiously.
“Let me get this straight. You accidentally hit Mithos with your spells, but didn’t kill him. He is now more powerful than us because he got possessed by Yggdrasill, right?” Keyblade asked.
“Yeah, exactly!” Bookworm said, relieved that Keyblade didn’t seem too angry. Her relief was short-lived. Keyblade clapped her hands and alchemified a keyblade. “Meep!” Keyblade chased Bookworm, trying to attack her with the keyblade. (Shade just watched them while plotting revenge against Mithos.) This continued for a long time before someone finally stopped them.
Keyblade, don’t you think we should do something about Mithos now? And I’d rather you not kill Bookworm just yet. Indigo said.
Keyblade thought about this for a second and activated the Sorcerer’s Ring. They all appeared back in Derris-Kharlan, where Kratos was looking even angrier than before. (This was previously thought to be impossible.)
“WHAT HAPPENED!?!” he yelled at them. “Why did Mithos just come here and say ‘I’ll kill you all for what you did to my sister’?!”
“He got possessed by Yggdrasill,” Keyblade got right to the point.
“That’s impossible! Yggdrasill is dead! I broke his Cruxis Crystal!” Lloyd protested.
“He said Sylvrr’s sphere was a Cruxis Crystal…” Bookworm said uncertainly.
“Maybe it has something to do with the sword. I attached the sphere to the sword, remember?” Keyblade said. (She had calmed down a lot after trying to kill Bookworm.)
“Oh yeah… Where did he get that sword anyway? I don’t think he ever told us,” Bookworm said.
“Mr. Kratos gave it to him!” Colette explained. “Mithos kept complaining about not having a weapon, so Kratos let him borrow Yggdrasill’s sword!”
“Of course!” Shade understood what had happened. “Some of Yggdrasill’s essence was still on the sword. It entered Sylvrr’s sphere through the crack. When Mithos’s life was in serious danger, it formed a powerful Cruxis Crystal. Mithos is still alive, but he’s controlled by Yggdrasill.”
Bookworm thought about this for a second. “So it wasn’t my fault! Keyblade attached the sphere to the sword! She tried to kill me with that keyblade and it wasn’t even my fault!”
“But it was your idea to attach it!” Keyblade protested.
“It was Shade’s fault! She broke the sphere in the first place when she turned him into goo!” Bookworm pointed accusingly at Shade.
Kratos gave him the sword. Indigo pointed out.
“You stole the Sorcerer’s Ring!” Lloyd brought up the old argument.
“Can we argue about this later? I want to defeat Mithos!” Shade yelled. Of course, by this time, Lloyd and Keyblade were whacking each other with their weapons while Bookworm threw kunai at both of them. Shade rolled her eyes and threw a fireball at them. It was a non-goo fireball, but she still made it tomato-scented. This left all three of them scorched and smelling of tomatoes. This really horrified Kratos, who decided to hide behind Noishe.
“Umm… Miss Shade, I think Mithos used that function-changing device,” Colette said, hoping to restore peace.
“Bookworm, Keyblade, if you think you can come without killing each other, we’re going now,” Shade glared at them. Her friends reluctantly nodded and put away their weapons.
A few seconds later, they had left Derris-Kharlan. They appeared in a strange city. A bat-like lemur flew right into Bookworm. It held onto her head as she ran around screaming, “AAAAHH! What’s on my head? Does it have an Acorn of Doom?!”
A boy with an arrow on his head ran up to them. “Stop running! You’re going to hurt Momo!” Bookworm did not listen. The boy’s companion, a girl in blue clothes, made some water fly through the air and hit Bookworm very hard.
Bookworm finally stopped running and screaming. Momo flew off her head, looking very dizzy. Bookworm blinked to get the water out of her eyes. Then she stared at the people who had just attacked her. She turned to Keyblade and Shade and stated the obvious. “I think we’re in Avatar World.”
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