
“Yay! Ninjas!” Bookworm cheered. “Hey Indigo, you used to be a ninja, right? …Indigo?”
She looked around, but her dragon was nowhere in sight. Bookworm completely forgot her earlier anger at Indigo. Feeling worried, she decided to send a mental message. Indigo! Where the heck are you?!
There aren’t any dragons in this world, so I returned to the sphere. But I can still communicate with you telepathically and lend you my strength. With your kunai-throwing skills, you’re going to need it… Bookworm ignored this comment. She was not very happy with this turns of events. It was very useful to have a dragon helping her fight. She reached into her bag and found that the glowing purple sphere had reappeared.
“Maybe you could try summoning her with ninjutsu?” Fates suggested. She explained how to use the summoning jutsu, which she knew from watching lots of Naruto episodes.
“Okay, I guess I can try… Kyuichose No Jutsu!” Bookworm yelled, making the hand gesture Fates had showed her. There was a puff of smoke and then Indigo appeared. “Yay! I can do ninjutsu! I rule!”
Is that the only reason you summoned me? Indigo asked, sounding slightly annoyed.
Umm… yeah… Bookworm answered. I wanted to test my ninja skills!
Indigo rolled her eyes, but she was smiling anyway. Why am I not surprised? Well, you seem to be doing very well with your ninjutsu. If you need my help with anything important, you can summon me.
Okay! Bookworm agreed as Indigo vanished again.
“I wanna try ninjutsu!” Keyblade said enthusiastically.
“Okay, but first shouldn’t we try to find Mithos?” Shade suggested.
“Hey! I have an idea!” Fates said excitedly. “We should try looking for him in Konoha!”
“Konoha?” Rainheart asked. He had not had the benefit of watching numerous Naruto episodes before world-hopping, so he had no knowledge of the world he was now in. Sheena, Jade, and Orion were also curious.
“It’s a village with lots of powerful ninja!” Fates explained. “It would make sense for Mithos to go there.”
“But he’s evil! Wouldn’t he want to go to Sound instead?” Keyblade pointed out.
“I bet Fates just wants to go to Konoha so she can meet Neji!” Bookworm grinned.
“No I don’t!” Fates protested.
“Who’s Neji?” Jade asked.
“He’s a ninja,” Bookworm explained. “And Fatey’s a Neji fangirl!” She poked Fates. It was fun tormenting her.
“I’m not a fangirl!” Fates yelled, although her reddening face suggested otherwise. She poked Bookworm back. Once again, a poking fight broke out between them.
Rainheart sighed. He had a feeling he’d end up being the babysitter again. Fortunately for him, his creator interrupted the fight first.
“Do you want me to turn you into goo?!” Shade yelled at them.
“No…” Fates muttered. Bookworm didn’t comment because she was too busy being mentally scolded by Indigo. From the look on her face, they guessed she was not enjoying it.
“So are we going to Konoha?” Keyblade asked impatiently.
“Yes, I think so,” Shade nodded. “It will probably be easier to get information about Mithos from the Konoha ninjas than the Sound ones.”
“Yay! Let’s go!” Fates cheered.
“Can we practice ninjutsu on the way?” Keyblade asked.
“Sure, and I can help you if you want,” Sheena suggested. The Mizuho ninjutsu was very different from the kind in the Naruto world, but she still had plenty of useful experience as a ninja.
Hey Indigo! Wanna practice flying? Bookworm asked.
No, I can’t carry everyone… And I think you just don’t want to walk all the way to Konoha. Bookworm immediately started denying this, but didn’t sound very convincing.
I thought so. You should stop being so lazy. Exercise is good for you. Indigo laughed at the feelings of strong disgust and disagreement she could sense from Bookworm. How about this instead? I’ll teach you some of my village’s special ninjutsu. You’ll be the first human ever to learn these secrets.
Okay! Bookworm instantly forgot her laziness. Thanks Indigo!
With Sheena’s help and Fates’s Naruto knowledge, Shade, Keyblade, and the drakes were able to learn some ninjutsu. They spent the trip practicing using ninjutsu to help them alchemify keyblades, make goo fireballs, and do some of their other unique skills. Time passed quickly and they could soon see the gates of Konoha in the distance.