Angel!?! (Cat)

"Hey you guys!" Cat was calling out to the group (who had made camp) waving something that was in her hand.
"Hey Cat. What is that?" Sora asked, noticing something glint from Cat's hand.
"It's a marble I fouuund!" Cat sing-songed.
Kratos immediately swiped the marble from Cat's hand to examine it. " it's this one. I must've missed it."
"What's Kratos-san talking about?" Netto asked Lloyd.
"Well, Dad was going to get rid of all of Cruxis's exspheres and throw them into space-"
"GIMME BACK MY MARBLE!!!" Lloyd was cut off by Cat yelling (and attempting to tackle) at Kratos to give back "her marble" (he was holding it above her reach) and jumping for it (Goldd had decided to conveniently forget to tell Cat she could fly). Cat got tired of this, so she shifted just enough to get her tail from behind his leg and trip him. This actually worked, as Kratos seemed too intent to keep the marble from her.
Kratos did his oh-so-famous "....".
Cat caught the marble, saying triumphantly, "Ha! I told you I had mad ninja skills!! Now it-" Cat had stopped midway in her sentence, as she noticed that the marble she had caught seemed to be floating, similar to how Netto's did before he transformed. "Wh-"
A bright flash of light temporarily blinded everyone, causing them to avert their eyes. When the light cleared, Cat's clothes had been altered. Cat seemed to be wearing a mostly white outfit with outlines of purple, and many belts around her waist. Along with a skirt (not short but not long) and arm sleeves, also with a purple outline. As Cat was observing this strange new transformation, she felt a sharp pain in her back, like something was trying to rip itself from her back. Cat grimaced, the pain intensifying, causing her to bend over.
"Cat! What's-"
There was another bright flash of light, a scream, and a ripping noise. When it cleared again, Cat was standing... with purple angel wings!
"What IS this? It feels..."
"Umm....Mr. Kratos, why did Cat transform like that?"
Lloyd was also curious. "Yeah Dad, why'd Cat turn into an angel?"
Kratos slapped his face. This was exactly what he was trying to avoid.
Sora poked Cat's cheek. "You can't be dead 'cause you're solid."
"Yeah, and don't real angels have halos?"
"Brother, that's just stories, isn't it?"
"You guys, that's not it... When I transformed, it was kinda like..." Cat's eyes looked like they were misted over, like when she was think about something. (Cat thinks?)
"Like what?"
"Like when I transform with Goldd."
"I suppose I'll have to explain, won't I?" Kratos sighed. Out of all the exspheres that he had to throw into space, that one had been a priority. Out of all the other exspheres (besides Lloyd's and Colette's Cruxis Crystal), this one was one of the most powerful.
"You recall that the four Seraphim of Cruxis was made up of four people, correct?"
"Yeah. Wasn't it you, Yuan, Yggdrasil, and... Who was the last one?"
"Martel, Lloyd. Yggdrasil would eventually need someone to replace that position, so he had me create that sphere."
Cat, meanwhile, was only half listening, still staring at her new transformation.
'Cat? Do you hear me?'
'Cat... I believe when you transformed, some of the excess energy that I lost... It's nothing...'
"Wait." Cat had risen from her crouching position. After wiping non-existent dust off her shoulder, she asked, "I thought the drakes where the only ones that could make spheres. Why was it that you could?"
'Cat, I never said that there weren't any spheres that don't exist beyond the drakes realm.'
Goldd mentally sighed. Sometimes, Cat's ability to be a complete and total scatterbrain at almost any given time could be very irritating. Meaning she had to be very patient with the human girl she shared a mind with (Goldd had gotten a habit of playing cards by herself while Cat didn't need her assistance, but this was lonely, as Goldd had no one else to play her favorite card game with). 'What I MEAN, Cat, is that some of the spheres were not necessarily made by drakes alone, they where crafted by humans of different worlds, but for some reason, the essence was never able to react to a human before you.'
'So what makes me so special?'
'I suppose... it was your personality that attracted me. But other spheres may be attracted by other things.'
"Cat, if I may interrupt your mental conversation."
Cat seemed to snap back to attention. She realized that it was annoying for her friends when she had mental conversations with Goldd.
Yay! More fanfic! *does happy dance* Thanks Key-chan!
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