Same Hair? (Cat)

Ed, Al, and Netto (still crossfused) looked at this reunion (which would had been touching if not for the fact that the guy that Lloyd called "Dad" had just tried to kill Cat) with absolute shock. Their shock increased even more when the man returned Lloyd's embrace saying, "I missed you as son." Cat, who had been healed by Sora at this time, was also silenced by shock. She attempted to get up, but found it was futile, as she knelt and was hunched over in pain. Sora put a hand on her shoulder, " I wasn't able to heal your wounds-just your exhaustion. Sorry." Cat would have grunted in frustration, but was overcome with fear as she saw the man who had attacked her now standing directly over her. Cat squinted, bracing for some sort of impact of some kind. When nothing happened she opened her eyes. She noticed he seemed to concentrate for a second, the shouted, "First Aid!" Cat saw a green light surround her body, and felt the pain leave her body. Standing up cautiously (and taking a few steps back for good measure). Posing in many different karate-like positions she threatened, moving away as she did so, "l-listen! I'm a certified ninja, so you watch it. Or I'll...umm...throw kunai at you. So, it..yeah..." Lloyd's father seemed to look at her again with pity (and confusion), also thinking of how weird she acted. Sighing, he apologized, "Excuse me, um..."
"Yes, I sincerely apologize for attacking you. I though you might have been a remininemt of one of the desians experiments." Cat cocked her head to the side in a somewhat annoyed manner. "And you're name?"
"I am Kratos."
"And me?" Netto asked irritably. Kratos seemed to stare blankly at the irritated Netto, "And you...?" Netto snorted. "Baka! Why'd you attack me when I was trying to protect Cat-chan?" Kratos blinked, the answered "You were in the way. And what does this word, 'baka' mean?" Netto (uncrossfused) had now realized that it probably wasn't a good idea to tell the guy who had almost killed him (and Cat) that he was an idiot. " you're Lloyd's dad, huh?"
"Yes. I am indeed Lloyd's blood-father." Cat took a look at Kratos, the at Lloyd, then back again. "Oh! You both have the same eyes!" Lloyd grinned. "That's not all that's similar. Watch this!" he then proceeded to style his hair until it was styled exactly how Kratos' hair was. Cat gaped. They looked almost the same. Then, curious, she asked, "Does it work the other way around?" Kratos considered this, then attempted to style his hair the same way Lloyd's was. It also looked similar. "That's so neat! Oh! I'll try it now!" unfortunately for Cat, her hair was much too strait and long, and after five failed attempts, she sighed and gave up.
Such a kawai pic!
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