Washtubs!?! (Cat)

"Sooo... where are we gonna sleep? We can't just sleep here on the beach." Cat had gotten over her bad mood, which was good for everyone else, as they did not wish to be trounced by Cat.
Sora, who had recovered from Cat's "disciplinary action", replied, "Well, we're gonna go to the mainland and stay at Riku's house on account of the fact that his house is the biggest. Follow me."
After walking a short distance, they reached a dock that held two fairly large boats (think lifeboats). "Eh? We're riding in these?" Netto asked as if he was going on some sort of cheap ride (living in a world where you take all this amazing technology where the Internet connects everything for granted tends to rub off).
"Netto-kun, don't be rude. I know this is... um..."
"A wooden piece of crap?"
"No! And you'll apologize for that remark, Netto-kun!"
"Why? I said it in Japanese, so it's not like they even know what I said."
"You still shouldn't say things like that, Netto-kun, no matter what language you speak it in! So go and apologize!"
After mumbling he was sorry to Sora (Sora just looked confused) he, Cat, Kairi, Lloyd, Collete,and Ed entered the lifeboat. Colette, getting excited as they rowed across the water, said, "Oh wow, they're so much bigger that the boats we used back when we were going to the water seal, right Lloyd?"
Lloyd smiled, remembering his adventure back in his own world. Although he had faced intense hardships in this adventure, he had still been able to have fun, at times. "Yeah, I remember that we rode to the other side in washtubs."
"WASHTUBS!?" Cat, Netto, and Ed shouted in unison, like as if Colette and Lloyd had been cheated by some horrible, unkind person.
Lloyd and Colette seemed to answer with the same blank expression on both their faces. Lloyd's face, now one of confusion, answered, "Yeeeaaah. Why?"
Kairi was also confused, and added, "I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, they were probably like these too."
"But-they-were-WASHTUBS!" Ed tried to protest, trying to make them see that going across the sea in a washtub was not only dangerous, it was also very cramped and uncomfortable.
Hmmm....I wonder if Lloyd-kun and Colette-chan don't like technology or something. Netto thought, knowing there were indeed some people who did not like technology in the world ...er, "worlds".
Before they could argue anymore about washtubs, they had arrived at the mainland, which was much bigger than the previous island, and also had many more houses. As Cat got off the boat, she noticed a huge mansion at the peak of the island. Sora said that we were gonna stay at Riku's house 'cause it was big....but there's no way it could be that big...huh...
"Hey Cat!" Ed's voice seemed to knock Cat out of her daze. "We're leaving, so hurry up."
Cat had been so busy daydreaming that everyone was almost out of sight. "Eh...coming!" Cat raced after her now leaving friends, who headed toward the big house she saw. She noticed Riku leading everyone, and, with an almost bored expression on his face, opened the doors. Cat was temporarily blinded by the light coming from the entrance, but was then surprised when the light cleared and she saw an exquisitely decorated room, and a winding staircase to match it. Everyone else (except for Kairi and Sora) were amazed when they saw at least twenty people, mainly maids and butlers, standing around the room, and, saying in unison, "Welcome."
Soooo....whatcha think?
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