Sunday, February 11, 2007

Let's Go To The Library!

It had been two weeks since Bookworm and Keyblade discovered their bending talents. They had learned a lot since then. (Bookworm actually paid attention to Toph’s lessons because Indigo could tell when she was daydreaming and always made sure to mentally scold her.) Both were very talented at bending. They were now traveling toward the desert, where someone matching Mithos’s description had been seen recently. As they neared the desert, they ran into another group that was going there for the same reason.
“It’s the avatar!” Zuko yelled, fire bending at Aang. Katara, Toph, and Aang bended back at him. Sokka ran around, randomly waving his sword.
“Hi Shade!” Keyblade waved at her friend.
“Shade! Guess what? I can earth bend! I rule!” Bookworm said happily.
“And I can water bend!” Keyblade added.
“Good for you! I can fire bend now!” Shade said. She pointed excitedly at Mai and Ty Lee. “And now I have minions! Minions! MUAHAHAHAHA!”
“Umm… Shade, did you notice that our friends are killing your minions?” Bookworm pointed out.
“Hmm… That’s not good,” Shade glared at the fighting people. A moment later, they were all goo. “I will return them to their non-goo forms shortly. Then everyone except Keyblade, Bookworm, Indigo, and my minions will leave. We will go into the desert and defeat Mithos. Is this plan okay with everyone?” Since goo can’t talk, Bookworm and Keyblade were the only ones able to voice their objections. (Indigo just roared angrily and let Bookworm voice her objections.)
“Me and Bookworm aren’t your minions! Why should we do what you say?” Keyblade said defiantly.
“Yeah! There’s no way I’ll ever let you boss me around!” Bookworm said, once again proving that there was something wrong with her sense of self-preservation.
Shade rolled her eyes. What was wrong with these miscreants? She considered turning them into goo, but she already had enough people to turn into non-goo. And Bookworm would probably just use her Shield Charm to block the spell anyway. Instead, Shade just said, “We’ll go to the library.”
Bookworm instantly changed her mind about Shade’s plan. “Library? Okay! Let’s go! Come on, Keyblade! We’re going to the library! Yay!” She was now jumping up and down in excitement.
Shade returned everyone else to non-goo. Bookworm, Keyblade, Indigo, Mai, and Ty Lee followed her into the desert, leaving the rest of them to continue the fight.
After a while, Keyblade pointed ahead. “Look!”
“What? Is it the library? Where is it? Where?” Bookworm was still a bit hyper.
“No, it’s not the library. The library is buried under the sand, remember?” Shade said. Bookworm looked very disappointed.
“I think that’s Mithos up ahead!” Keyblade gasped. Suddenly, a strong wind hit them all very hard. The force of this wave of air knocked them all down.
Ty Lee was the first to recover. “Wow! Your friend is an airbender! Mai, wasn’t Aang supposed to be the last airbender?”
“Whatever,” Mai said.
“Mithos can air bend!?!” Shade was furious. Even with her new fire bending powers, he was still more powerful than her!
To no one’s surprise, Bookworm’s only reaction was, “Can we go to the library now?”
A while later, they arrived at a pile of sand that Bookworm decided must be the library.
“How do you plan to get it back up?” Shade asked.
“Just watch!” Bookworm grinned. “Rïsa! Wingardium Leviosa!” She yelled a word in the Ancient Language and a Hogwarts spell. Indigo lent her power to Bookworm’s spells too. Combining these different types of magic with her earth bending powers had a surprisingly powerful effect. Slowly, an enormous building rose above the sand. Bookworm smiled proudly. “Come on! Let’s go!” She ran into the library… and crashed right into Wan Shi Tang, the angry knowledge spirit. She suddenly realized that her brilliant plan did not include how to get out of the library alive.


Blogger Shade said...

you could ask me to use my minions to help you. and just for fun, MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

1:29 PM  

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