“Meep!” Bookworm dodged out of the way of Wan Shi Tong’s large pointy beak. “Hey Shade! I think he’s still mad at humans!”
“Then I’ll make him forget about that,” Shade said calmly. She began to recite the memory-erasing spell that she had used on Snape.
“Let me do it!” Bookworm yelled excitedly. “Obliviate!” Both mages cast their spells at the same time. Shade’s hit Wan Shi Tong perfectly. Bookworm’s did not. Her spell missed the knowledge spirit completely and hit Shade instead. Bookworm just stared at her in horrified shock.
“Who are you?” Shade looked at Bookworm in confusion.
By now, Keyblade, Indigo, Ty Lee, and Mai had entered the library. “What’s going on?” Keyblade asked.
“Help! I kinda accidentally erased Shade’s memory!” Bookworm was really freaked out. “Eventually she’s gonna remember and then she’ll turn me into goo and kill me!”
“Person! Tell me who you are! NOW!” Shade ordered.
“I’m Keyblade. This is Bookworm and Indigo, her dragon. We’re your friends. And these are Ty Lee and Mai. They’re your minions,” Keyblade explained.
“MUAHAHAHA! I have minions!” Shade yelled.
While Shade was busy laughing evilly, Keyblade decided to try to calm Bookworm down. She soon found that this was unnecessary. With the distraction of a giant library, Bookworm had not stayed in her panicky mood long. She was now busy reading a large book. This did not really surprise anyone, except Shade, who had forgotten that Bookworm loves to read. After a few hours, Indigo somehow managed to convince Bookworm that it was time to leave the library.
“We should keep an eye on Shade,” Keyblade commented as they left. “She probably doesn’t remember about Mithos, so she could get in a lot of trouble.” Bookworm nodded. They were both enjoying their new role as babysitters.
When they got back out in the desert, they saw possibly the most unexpected sight they had yet encountered in all their adventures. Mithos was running toward them, waving and yelling “Hi everybody!” He had a huge grin on his face and showed no signs of attacking.
“Who are you?” Shade asked when he finally reached them.
“Call me Ygggy!” he said happily.
“Ygggy?” Bookworm repeated uncertainly. This behavior did not seem right for Mithos Yggdrasill.
Mithos held up his sword. “Look! It’s SHINY!!!” He waved his sword for them to see. Then he tripped and fell flat on his face.
“Mithos! You’re back to normal! How did you get unpossessed?” Keyblade asked excitedly.
Mithos didn’t answer. He just stared up at Keyblade for a while. Eventually, he said, “You’re really tall!”
Keyblade sighed in disappointment. “He’s still possessed. The normal Mithos would never call me tall.”
Bookworm suddenly had an idea that could explain Mithos’s strange behavior. “Umm… Ygggy, have you had any cactus juice lately?” she asked.
“Yup! It was yummy! But that cactus is a meanie! I thought it was friendly, but when I gave it a hug, it poked me!” Mithos whined.
“Okay… Now what should we do?” Bookworm asked. She was starting to change her mind about liking the job of babysitter.
“I don’t know… Maybe we should take him to Derris-Kharlan?” Keyblade suggested.
“Kratos and Yuan would probably kill him,” Bookworm said. “In fact, I’m really surprised Shade hasn’t tried to kill him yet.”
“She probably forgot,” Keyblade pointed out.
“I know Shade!” Mithos announced proudly. “She says ‘MUAHAHAHAHA!’”
Keyblade nodded. “Yes, that’s definitely Shade… Where is she anyway?” Their plan to keep an eye on Shade had been forgotten as soon as they encountered the drunken Mithos.
At this point, Bookworm and Keyblade heard a sound that filled them with dread. It was possibly the most horrifying sound they would ever hear in their lives. Shade was screaming.
Sorry about the memory spell, Shade. I couldn't think of any other way to make you drink cactus juice. Maybe later you can turn me into goo for that. :)
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