Derris Kharlan! (Cat)

Cat woke up with a mild headache after the gummy ship had been crashed by none other than Sora. She woke up, finding herself being watched over by Netto, Ed, and Al.
"Jeez...did we crash..?"
"No Cat, we just so happened to fall asleep while driving, OF COURSE WE CRASHED!!" was Ed's abrupt and waking response. After Cat removed her hands from her ears to shield herself from Ed's rant, she now just noticed their surroundings. They seemed to be standing on a platform....except it seemed to be suspended in the atmosphere, which was basically a swirling purplish-black mass.
"Whoa...where ARE we?" Cat asked now wanting to know just what this place was. It looked like some other dimension she had seen in sci-fi movies. Netto, deciding he'd rather find a way out "Rockman, can you maybe find out just what this place is? Or if we can find a way to get out of here?"
"Give me a minute to analyze the area..." While Rockman was looking for a way out, Ed was observing this very strange, very new world that was much different from his own, taking occasional notes in his "Traveler's log". I wonder why he takes so many notes.... Netto's thoughts were interrupted by a beeping from his PET.
"Netto-kun, it seems that there's a path that will take us to a portal that will take us out of this part of the world, but the only problem is that I'm not entirely sure where it will lead."
"Well, it's better then just staying here, right?"
"You're right, Al. Rockman, take us to where that portal is."
"Right." Following Rockman's directions, the group arrived at the portal Rockman had described.
"A-are you sure we have to go through this one, Rockman?" Netto asked unsteadily.
"Don't worry, Netto-kun, there's no ghosts or anything, I checked."
"Rockman, I wasn't talking about ghosts. I'm just...a little uneasy about going in, that's all." "Well, forget about it. It's probably nothing." Ed was too curious to be cautious, which dismayed Al because this always got him and Ed (and anyone who was unlucky enough to be with them at the time) into trouble. But Cat seemed to be the most uneasy of them all. Her drake senses were telling her that there was something in there.....she wasn't sure what it was, or who it was, but there was definitely something powerful. We'd best be on our guard came Goldd's voice, echoing inside Cat's head. Cat decided to repeat this warning to her friends. "You guys, Goldd sa-" She then realized that Ed and Netto had already gone through the portal, not even paying attention. Al was the only one who was still there with Cat, and gave her a "I couldn't stop them, I'm sorry" look. Cat sighed. "I guess we should just go in after them so they don't get killed." "Yeah. Why does this always have to happen to me." Al wondered as he and Cat went through the portal with the exasperated Al.
To Cat's surprise (and to Al's) the portal seemed to lead into some kind of forest. "Just what IS this place?" Cat asked aloud. "First we're on some random platform, now we're in a forest??" "Yeah, it's pretty weird...we'd better find Netto and brother before they get attacked by heartless or something." Al responded. Cat decided, as they were walking to find the troublesome two, to see if Goldd knew about this place. So...where are we exactly?
I believe this place may be a reminet of an evlen colony. came Goldd's response and if I remember correctly, they don't take kindly to humans walking around on their sacred ground. Well, what about drakes? Was Cat's response They take even less kindly to drakes because they believe we are not human at all, merely dragons in human skin. "Cat?" Al's voice had interrupted Cat and Goldd's mental conversation. "They're over there, in that clearing." Cat noticed Netto and Ed sitting on a fairly large rock. Be wary, little one. That presence I was talking about? It's very close by. So be aware.
You know Goldd, if this were Ed you were talking too, he'd be punching your sphere.
Sorry, I'll be aware... Cat went to sit on the rock with her companions, when there was a rustle in the bushes. This immediately made Cat jump to her senses, only to find that it was....a squirrel. Oh yes Goldd, this SQUIRREL is defiantly going to kill us.
Not the squirrel, little one, the man standing BEHIND the squirrel. Cat now noticed the man who was standing in the clearing, who seemed to be eying these intruders with a stare that seemed to be piercing into their very souls. He was in a purple mercenary outfit, with a sword hanging by his side, and a shield on his lower arm. But at the same time, he seemed...somewhat familiar in a way, however which way Cat was not able to clearly grasp at this time.
"Jeez...did we crash..?"
"No Cat, we just so happened to fall asleep while driving, OF COURSE WE CRASHED!!" was Ed's abrupt and waking response. After Cat removed her hands from her ears to shield herself from Ed's rant, she now just noticed their surroundings. They seemed to be standing on a platform....except it seemed to be suspended in the atmosphere, which was basically a swirling purplish-black mass.
"Whoa...where ARE we?" Cat asked now wanting to know just what this place was. It looked like some other dimension she had seen in sci-fi movies. Netto, deciding he'd rather find a way out "Rockman, can you maybe find out just what this place is? Or if we can find a way to get out of here?"
"Give me a minute to analyze the area..." While Rockman was looking for a way out, Ed was observing this very strange, very new world that was much different from his own, taking occasional notes in his "Traveler's log". I wonder why he takes so many notes.... Netto's thoughts were interrupted by a beeping from his PET.
"Netto-kun, it seems that there's a path that will take us to a portal that will take us out of this part of the world, but the only problem is that I'm not entirely sure where it will lead."
"Well, it's better then just staying here, right?"
"You're right, Al. Rockman, take us to where that portal is."
"Right." Following Rockman's directions, the group arrived at the portal Rockman had described.
"A-are you sure we have to go through this one, Rockman?" Netto asked unsteadily.
"Don't worry, Netto-kun, there's no ghosts or anything, I checked."
"Rockman, I wasn't talking about ghosts. I'm just...a little uneasy about going in, that's all." "Well, forget about it. It's probably nothing." Ed was too curious to be cautious, which dismayed Al because this always got him and Ed (and anyone who was unlucky enough to be with them at the time) into trouble. But Cat seemed to be the most uneasy of them all. Her drake senses were telling her that there was something in there.....she wasn't sure what it was, or who it was, but there was definitely something powerful. We'd best be on our guard came Goldd's voice, echoing inside Cat's head. Cat decided to repeat this warning to her friends. "You guys, Goldd sa-" She then realized that Ed and Netto had already gone through the portal, not even paying attention. Al was the only one who was still there with Cat, and gave her a "I couldn't stop them, I'm sorry" look. Cat sighed. "I guess we should just go in after them so they don't get killed." "Yeah. Why does this always have to happen to me." Al wondered as he and Cat went through the portal with the exasperated Al.
To Cat's surprise (and to Al's) the portal seemed to lead into some kind of forest. "Just what IS this place?" Cat asked aloud. "First we're on some random platform, now we're in a forest??" "Yeah, it's pretty weird...we'd better find Netto and brother before they get attacked by heartless or something." Al responded. Cat decided, as they were walking to find the troublesome two, to see if Goldd knew about this place. So...where are we exactly?
I believe this place may be a reminet of an evlen colony. came Goldd's response and if I remember correctly, they don't take kindly to humans walking around on their sacred ground. Well, what about drakes? Was Cat's response They take even less kindly to drakes because they believe we are not human at all, merely dragons in human skin. "Cat?" Al's voice had interrupted Cat and Goldd's mental conversation. "They're over there, in that clearing." Cat noticed Netto and Ed sitting on a fairly large rock. Be wary, little one. That presence I was talking about? It's very close by. So be aware.
You know Goldd, if this were Ed you were talking too, he'd be punching your sphere.
Sorry, I'll be aware... Cat went to sit on the rock with her companions, when there was a rustle in the bushes. This immediately made Cat jump to her senses, only to find that it was....a squirrel. Oh yes Goldd, this SQUIRREL is defiantly going to kill us.
Not the squirrel, little one, the man standing BEHIND the squirrel. Cat now noticed the man who was standing in the clearing, who seemed to be eying these intruders with a stare that seemed to be piercing into their very souls. He was in a purple mercenary outfit, with a sword hanging by his side, and a shield on his lower arm. But at the same time, he seemed...somewhat familiar in a way, however which way Cat was not able to clearly grasp at this time.
He doesn't seem dangerous. He's just observing us. And he looks human to me. Cat, wanting to make a good impression, strode over and said, "Hi there! We kinda got lost so if you could-" Cat was now looking at the tip of the swordsman's blade. "Eep!" It seems that we will have to fight...there is no way I can manage a full shift, and I'm not certain if the half shift will be sufficient.
Well, it'll have to do! was Cat's answering thought. Gold light surrounded her body, and when it cleared she charged at this new enemy. In response, the man held up his shield, which Cat collided into face-first. The man seemed to watch her with pity as her face oh-so-slowly peeled itself off from the shield. Cat heard Ed matter something like, "We're doomed." but did not let this stop her from taking this chance to swipe her tail from behind his feet in a attempt to trip him and gain the advantage. He seemed to anticipated this, and attempted to jump out of the way, but Cat managed to wrap the end of her tail around his ankle. Smirking, she started to fly very high into the air, planning to drop him if he did not agree to leave her and her friends alone. This plan never went into effect, however, when she dropped him, he seemed to.....float. Cat spun around, and noticed that he seemed to have wings. Wings that looked very similar, to, say, a certain brown-haired swordsman Cat knew. ....He can fly..?
Apparently so. This will make our fight much harder.
Whatever. let's just kick his butt.
Must you put it into such barbarous terms, Cat? Cat decided to try to stab him using her tail, thrusting it forward so fast it could barely be seen. Cat's enemy seemed to effortlessly dodge her stabs with an even faster speed. He eventually got tired of dodging and grabbed Cat's tail. Cat yelped as he swung her and threw her toward the ground. She was barely able to stop herself from making a collision with the ground, which would have been very nasty (and a pain to clean up). Shoot, it's like this guy predicts every move we make! How do we counter that? We may need to use the Drake Cry, but...
Am I gonna pass out for another month or not? Cat mentally asked in a mix of annoyance and rudeness. Well, no...maybe we- Cat had had enough of waiting. A sound wave seemed to bubble up from her throat, and the cry was unleashed on Cat's unsuspecting foe. When Cat had completed her attack, a straight line seemed to be made in the forest. Many of the trees had been snapped in half, and where now leaning on (what was left) of their sides. Cat closed her mouth, which was now quite sore. She fell to one knee, and started to feel her vision slip from fuzzy to black. "" Cat managed to gasp out with what little remaining strength she had. Ed, Al, and Netto looked at the area (because Cat was incapable of doing so). A couple of yards or so away from the source of the attack, Netto found a purple boot sticking out of the debris. Out of his, "curiosity", he grabbed a fallen tree branch and started to poke the boot. Rockman hated it when Netto got curious. "Netto-kun stop it! You'll wake him up!" Rockman's whisper hissed. Netto cast an almost bored glance at Rockman, "What're you freaking out about Rockman? Cat's last attacks probably knocked him out for a week-" his sentence was interrupted when the auburn-haired swordsman burst from his spot, and with almost lightning speed, raced to where Cat had collapsed. "CAT-CHAN!!" Netto seemed to pull off crossfusion within seconds, also racing to get to Cat before her attacker did. Netto managed to position himself between Cat and the attacker, but came to a horrible realization: he wouldn't be able to block the attack without taking damage."Get out..of the"
"No way! you can't even stand! Let alone defend yourself!" Netto braced for impact when a desperate cry stopped the attack. "STOP!" Cat was awakened momentarily to see that this cry came from Lloyd. The others (takes too long to type their names) were also behind him. "Cat!" Sora immediately ran over to his half conscious friend. The man who had attacked them in the first place seemed to have frozen, staring directly at Lloyd. "...Dad..?" Lloyd's question seemed to hang in the air for a minute. Eyes full of unshed tears, Lloyd rushed to the man and hugged him tightly. "I missed you...Dad."
Well, it'll have to do! was Cat's answering thought. Gold light surrounded her body, and when it cleared she charged at this new enemy. In response, the man held up his shield, which Cat collided into face-first. The man seemed to watch her with pity as her face oh-so-slowly peeled itself off from the shield. Cat heard Ed matter something like, "We're doomed." but did not let this stop her from taking this chance to swipe her tail from behind his feet in a attempt to trip him and gain the advantage. He seemed to anticipated this, and attempted to jump out of the way, but Cat managed to wrap the end of her tail around his ankle. Smirking, she started to fly very high into the air, planning to drop him if he did not agree to leave her and her friends alone. This plan never went into effect, however, when she dropped him, he seemed to.....float. Cat spun around, and noticed that he seemed to have wings. Wings that looked very similar, to, say, a certain brown-haired swordsman Cat knew. ....He can fly..?
Apparently so. This will make our fight much harder.
Whatever. let's just kick his butt.
Must you put it into such barbarous terms, Cat? Cat decided to try to stab him using her tail, thrusting it forward so fast it could barely be seen. Cat's enemy seemed to effortlessly dodge her stabs with an even faster speed. He eventually got tired of dodging and grabbed Cat's tail. Cat yelped as he swung her and threw her toward the ground. She was barely able to stop herself from making a collision with the ground, which would have been very nasty (and a pain to clean up). Shoot, it's like this guy predicts every move we make! How do we counter that? We may need to use the Drake Cry, but...
Am I gonna pass out for another month or not? Cat mentally asked in a mix of annoyance and rudeness. Well, no...maybe we- Cat had had enough of waiting. A sound wave seemed to bubble up from her throat, and the cry was unleashed on Cat's unsuspecting foe. When Cat had completed her attack, a straight line seemed to be made in the forest. Many of the trees had been snapped in half, and where now leaning on (what was left) of their sides. Cat closed her mouth, which was now quite sore. She fell to one knee, and started to feel her vision slip from fuzzy to black. "" Cat managed to gasp out with what little remaining strength she had. Ed, Al, and Netto looked at the area (because Cat was incapable of doing so). A couple of yards or so away from the source of the attack, Netto found a purple boot sticking out of the debris. Out of his, "curiosity", he grabbed a fallen tree branch and started to poke the boot. Rockman hated it when Netto got curious. "Netto-kun stop it! You'll wake him up!" Rockman's whisper hissed. Netto cast an almost bored glance at Rockman, "What're you freaking out about Rockman? Cat's last attacks probably knocked him out for a week-" his sentence was interrupted when the auburn-haired swordsman burst from his spot, and with almost lightning speed, raced to where Cat had collapsed. "CAT-CHAN!!" Netto seemed to pull off crossfusion within seconds, also racing to get to Cat before her attacker did. Netto managed to position himself between Cat and the attacker, but came to a horrible realization: he wouldn't be able to block the attack without taking damage."Get out..of the"
"No way! you can't even stand! Let alone defend yourself!" Netto braced for impact when a desperate cry stopped the attack. "STOP!" Cat was awakened momentarily to see that this cry came from Lloyd. The others (takes too long to type their names) were also behind him. "Cat!" Sora immediately ran over to his half conscious friend. The man who had attacked them in the first place seemed to have frozen, staring directly at Lloyd. "...Dad..?" Lloyd's question seemed to hang in the air for a minute. Eyes full of unshed tears, Lloyd rushed to the man and hugged him tightly. "I missed you...Dad."
Like it?
Yes, it's good! But why Sora was driving the gummi ship into Derris-Kharlan? I thought Riku wasn't going to let him drive.
And don't forget Sylph will continue to inflict tickle torture on Rainheart until you write more! So please write more! Please!
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