Riku's House (Cat)

Everyone (except Riku) seemed to gape at the realization that Riku was obviously from a higher upbringing (drool was now coming from Lloyd's mouth, and a fly flew into Ed's unsuspecting mouth, causing him to gag, which ended the silence). Cat and Netto had to suppress their laughter, Lloyd was still drooling, Al was doing the Heimlich maneuver in order to rid Ed of the life threatening fly (Al was also going to remember this as blackmail for Ed when he was angry), Colette was frantic about Ed's health, and Sora just looked with a bemused expression on his face, thinking, Oh boy, Riku's gonna yell soon. Kairi mimicked his expression, and Riku ended all this chaos by yelling, "BE QUIET!!" At this yell, the fly was gone, Cat and Netto were still trying (and failing miserably) to suppress their laughter, and Ed was limply hanging from Al's arms, relieved of the treacherous bug that had invaded his esophagus.
Riku cleared his throat, and explained, "Long story short, my parents are rich and we own this incredibly huge mansion. Along with-" Riku gestured to the servants, all bowing in turn "these servants."
"Wait, you don't really OWN them, do you?" Colette asked, now worried about the welfare of the various maids and butlers that lined the room.
Riku snickered, then answered, "No, no. They all work here and get a fair pay. Anyways, Alfred here will show us to our rooms." Riku pointed to a butler who had been standing there, waiting. He then led the group to each of their rooms.
Cat had gotten a private room, and was now lying on the bed, with many questions swirling in her mind. What was in store? Would she see Rainheart again? Who was she going to meet? Why did she ask herself so many annoying questions that she knew she couldn't answer? Coming to no satisfying answer, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Ed and Al were sharing a room, and as they always seemed to do, so they chatted. "Hey Al, how do we always get involved with this stuff?"
Al had been staring out the window, not really paying attention, so he asked, "What do you mean, brother?"
"I mean that we always, always seem to get people involved into our business, or we always get involved with theirs!" Ed, who had been standing, groaned and flopped onto the bed he would sleep in. His faced soon turned to one of frustration, "Al...I don't...I don't want anyone else who gets involved with us to get hurt. You know...like Nina...."
Although it seemed to some people that Ed was "a rude little (Ed usually didn't hear the rest of this as he would try to kill the person) brat" Ed was really the kind of person who tried not to have people hurt, or even involved in his affairs. So, to put in layman's terms, Ed was really the kind of person who cared about people, and hated it when they where hurt. Al, sensing this, and putting a reassuring hand on Ed's shoulder, said, "Ed, what happened to Nina...it wasn't your fault. It's like the colonel said, you can't save everyone, even if you want too. I mean, even if we tried to help Nina, she would have probably been even worse off. And we don't exactly have the most normal of friends. They can defend themselves, if need be. So get some sleep, brother, and don't worry about it."
Ed found it amazing. His little brother had been pressured by him into human transmutation, a practice absolutely forbidden to be done, and when done , had a horrible cost that only brought back...some thing. Some thing that didn't even resemble something even close to a human, lost his human body, and had been given a body that couldn't eat, sleep, or even cry, and yet, his brother still loved him. Still cared about him, and even told Ed that he'd get his body back first (Ed had lost two limbs in this accident, his left leg for the transmutation and right arm to transmute Al's soul to the armor; Ed had gotten metal prosthetics called "Auto-mail" to replace the limbs). Ed decided to shake off his depression and sleep.
Lloyd, on the other hand was excited. Going to other worlds sounded like fun, and even better yet, he might be able to see his birth father, who under circumstances, had to leave Lloyd's home on a giant rock, as Lloyd respectfully called it. Colette shared his excitement, as she also was happy to see her friends again. Thinking of happy times yet to come, they went to sleep.
Netto, meanwhile, seemed to be worried. Rockman noticed this and asked, "Netto-kun, what's wrong?"
"...Will they find out?"
Rockman knew what this question was about. No one else knew this, but Rockman was actually... This was a story left for another time. "I don't think so, Netto-kun, but-"
Netto still looked for a satifying asnwer from his navi "If they do find out, we'll have to tell them. Okay?"
"...Okay," came the reluctant response.
Netto brushed off this fear and went to sleep, asking himself what will they think of us if they do find out?
Sora, Riku, and Kairi were gazing out at the stars on Riku's balconey, pondering of what was to come. It was reluctantly agreed that Kairi would stay, as she had the power to defend the islands if need be. A strong gust of wind blew through the air. "So, it's begun again, huh, Riku?"
Riku looked at the starlit sky, thinking of everything that was yet to come. "Yeah."
lol I love the part where Ed chokes on the fly! *falls over laughing*
I really liked how this came out, and yes, I'm typing more (May even have it done by today!) MEEP!
Yay! Write more! Write more! Or I will... umm... do whatever I said in that last email. lol
*gloom* mutter mutter... It's no fair to gang-up on me for rainheart meets arian... mutter mutter... wait until I get my memory back, you'll both be goo and I'll have my minions feed you to an unsuspecting prinny (which will then explode), rendering you both unable to be non-goo ever again (unless I get bored).
Wouldn't it be easier to just write Rainheart Meets Arian, instead of turning us into goo, finding a prinny, and exploding the prinny? In fact, if you do not write more very soon, you might not get your memory back... *evil grin*
*extreme gloom* grumble mutter... with friends like these (you know the quote)... stupid bunnies, abandoning me... now I'm stuck with non-writing brain-goo.... (by the way I called the other interested party for the anime/manga club and they may be coming to tomorrows meeting-a little late though).
You can do it Shade! I believe in you! And check your e-mail.
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