Shade Goes Home

Shade walked away from her house. She had greeted her parents and explained why she had been missing for the past three days. No one doubted her honesty, especially since she had turned a nearby squirrel into a pile of goo. She was wondering what to do with the rest of her day, when she felt someone poke her.
“Bother!” her friend Fates yelled. “Where have you been, Shade? I thought you got kidnapped by Russian spies again!” When Shade had missed a Chess Club meeting once, Keyblade told the teacher that she had gone to Russia to stop a war. After many retellings, this story involved Shade being kidnapped by Russian spies.
“No, not today,” Shade grinned. “I’ve just been traveling to anime and fantasy book worlds to learn magic and turn annoyances into goo.”
“Oh my god! Have you met Neji?” Fates gasped. She was a Neji fangirl.
“No, no we haven’t been to Naruto world yet,” Shade said. “Maybe we’ll go there sometime. If you meet us at the mall later, we’ll take you with us.”
“Okay! I can’t believe I’m gonna actually meet my Neji!” Fates jumped up and down like a spastic fangirl, which she was.
Shade grinned at her friend’s excitement. Then she shifted into full-drake form. Her conversation with Fates had given her an idea for what to do today… After a few hours and many fireball spells, Shade had conquered Russia. There wouldn’t be any more spies coming after her. And since she had some spare time, she took over Australia too. Then she decided to return home. World domination could wait until the next time she came home.
When she arrived back in the U.S., Shade came up with a brilliant evil idea. She went to her friend Silence’s house. He was on his computer, IMing Bookworm, when she arrived.
“Shade! What the heck are you doing here?” he screamed. He had thought he had escaped from his slightly crazy friends when he moved to another town and didn’t tell them his address. He had underestimated Shade.
“Greetings Silence,” Shade grinned evilly. She walked up to him, kicked him in the shin, and stole his Wii. After stopping home again to drop off her new video game system, Shade decided to head back to the mall.
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