Bookworm Goes Home

Bookworm had not thought things through very well. It is really not a good idea to bring a dragon to a gathering of teenagers at a public library without giving any warning whatsoever. However, Bookworm was too excited about going to the TAG meeting for this to occur to her.
“Hi everyone! Sorry I’m late!” she said as she entered the meeting room, followed by Indigo. The result was complete chaos. Everyone started talking at once.
“Haha! Bookworm’s got a dragon! Why am I not surprised? Cool dragon!” Auzzy gave her a high five.
“Umm… nice dragon…” Pumpkin Queen smiled uncertainly at Bookworm.
“Is that a real dragon?” Shadowhunter asked, his eyes widening.
Aztek just stared in amazement. A lot of other people talked too, but most of their conversations had nothing to do with dragons. They were just looking for an excuse to chat.
Shadowhunter’s younger brother, Thorax, yelled, “Can I touch it? And we’re still gonna beat you at book trivia!” Without waiting for Bookworm’s answer, he poked Indigo.
Indigo did not like it when a small person poked her. She also sensed Bookworm’s irritation at his comment about the trivia. This added to her own annoyance. She reacted instinctively and bit Thorax’s hand. Aztek finally stopped staring and ran away screaming.
“Did you have to feed him to your dragon?” Shadowhunter asked.
“Indigo, let go of him,” Bookworm said sternly, but Indigo could tell she was not really angry at all.
“This meeting is over,” the librarian said wearily. Previously, no one had thought it possible for a TAG meeting to be more chaotic than usual. This assumption had just been proven wrong.
As they left the library, Indigo asked, “So are we going after Mithos now?”
“No way! I’ve been away from my computer for three whole days! I’m gonna start suffering withdrawal symptoms soon!” Bookworm shifted into drake form and flew towards her house. Indigo sighed and followed her. Soon they reached Bookworm’s house. They entered through the front door, hurried up the stairs, and shut themselves in Bookworm’s room.
As Bookworm sat on her bed and set up her laptop, they heard a loud barking noise downstairs. “Indigo, can you take care of that? Please? And take care of any other annoying creatures you encounter too.” The mental link alerted Indigo to the fact that her Rider’s family had been bothering her a lot before she went world-hopping. And that barking thing sounded delicious…
While Indigo was away, Bookworm checked My Own Café (best website ever) and sent an instant message to her cousin, hpfan. The conversation went something like this:
Bookworm: hpfan! I met harry potter and u didn’t! lol
Hpfan: wtf?
Bookworm: i beat shade at quidditch
Hpfan: u r insane
hpfan has signed off
Bored, Bookworm observed that another friend was online. So she IMed Silence. The conversation went something like this:
Bookworm: hi silence
Silence: hey wazzup
Bookworm: i got a dragon
Silence: …
Bookworm: beware of shade
Bookworm: she can turn u into goo
Bookworm: it’s not fun
Silence: ok…
Bookworm: and I made her turn into a squirrel
Silence: how u do that?
Bookworm: she was drunk
Silence: lol
Bookworm: g2g bye
Silence: peace
Bookworm has signed off
The reason that Bookworm had to leave instant messenger so urgently was she suddenly had a brilliant idea. If she could find her microphone, she could record it if/when Shade turned into a squirrel again! It was the best blackmail opportunity ever!
Indigo returned a short time later. The other inhabitants of the house were quiet now. “Ready to go yet?”
“Yeah, yeah, I just finished,” Bookworm stuffed the microphone in the pouch with her kunai.
“What is that?” Indigo asked suspiciously. “And why do I have a feeling Shade wouldn’t want you to bring it?”
“She doesn’t have to find out,” Bookworm grinned. “Come on! Let’s go look for everyone back at the mall!”
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